Chapter 5

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*four weeks later*

Dani's pov

Santana and u have been dating for four weeks now I couldn't be happier she actually forgave me for my mistake with Joe I am happy she did though. I told my parents that I wasn't with joe anymore and I had to tell them something important so I asked them to come to New York so we could catch up. We were at work and I 'Hey Santana can I ask you something?' 'Of course you can baby' 'well my parents are coming over from texas I haven't told them about us yet so would you like to come and meet them I'm going to tell them over lunch and I would love for you to come' 'of course I will come!' She sounded so excited I was so happy she was coming! 'We'll pick you up at around 8' 'okay its a date' we started working again. I got a text off my parents saying they have landed 'okay go to my apartment Joe will let you guys in I'll be over after work' I sent the text I was so nervous about telling them I'm with Santana. As I finished work I went to meet my parents I got home and they were sat on the couch I walked on amd Maddie jumps out of now where 'jesus Maddie don't scare me like that omg I have missed you where's my hug ay?' She jumps on me and hugs me tight and says 'Dani I have missed you so much when are you coming home?' 'Err I don't know yet, Mom Eddie I have an announcement to make at dinner and my friend is coming along too if thats okay' 'yeah thats fine Danielle'.

Santana's pov

As I finished work I went straight home to figure out what I was wearing I was so scared to meet her parents I didn't know how they would take the news I hope they will like me. It was 7:30 I was so nervous I got a text off Dani it said 'be there soon beautiful can't wait to see you even though I saw you at work iloveyou xox' 'okay baby I am so nervous and excited at the same time iloveyou more xoxo'. As i waited for Dani to pick me up i got to talking to Rachel telling her how nervous I was 'Rachel I am so scared what if they don't like me or don't like the fact Dani and I are dating' 'don't be stupid they will love you just be yourself'. I heard a knock on the door I got so excited I jumped up and ran to the door I opened it but it wasn't Dani it was Brittany. 'Britt what are you doing here!!' 'I kissed you guys so I decided to come and visit is that okay?' She says walking in she hugged Rachel and turned to me 'no its not okay we broke up remember! 'Yeah I remember I'm not that stupid' she walks over to me she hugs me and tries to kiss me but I push her away, 'er Santana Dani is here' I turn around and see her 'Dani this isn't what it looks like!!' She runs away crying 'britt that girl was my girlfriend thanks alot!!'. I ran after Dani I finally caught up to her and grab her 'Dan it isn't what it looks like she tried to kiss me but she didnt get to I pushed her away even ask Rachel!' 'Why is she even here tonight was finally the night I was going to tell my family I was happily inlove with you but right now I am not happy' shes still crying 'baby believe me just lets go for dinner I will explain everything I promise'. We get in the car and drive to the restaurant, half way through the night she hasn't spoke a word to me I excuse myself and go to the bathroom I call Rachel and tell her to out Britt on the phone 'hey britt you have ruined my relationship she isn't talkin to me and she is pretendig to be happy right now thanks alot! I put the phone down and join them all. 'Mom Eddie I have an announcement to make the reason I invited Santana out with us so I could tell you that we are dating yes dating I broke up with Joe because I realised I liked girls and this girl right here I love her I don't care what you think but I love her' she grabbed my hand she made my night by telling them. 'Dani we knew that's the reason and we dont care we still love you the exact same' I pull her aside and say 'Dani are we okay or?' 'We'll talk when we get back to your house'.

Dani's pov

As I drove my parents back to there hotel I told them I would see them tomorrow Santana and I got back in the car 'they like you Santana thank god they are usually so judgemental of my relationships' I start driving back to her apartment I pull over and just stare at her. 'Dani I am so sorry I never knew she was going to turn up I dont love her anymore I love you and I want to be with you' she starts crying but turns her head away so I didnt see her tears 'hey baby look at me look at me please' she turned to me I wiped her tears off and kissed her. I started driving again to her place as we got there I saw Brittany at the window looking down at us Santana looks at me and sees that im mad, I get out the car and run upstairs to her apartment I open the door and see her standing there I walk up to her and say 'hey I'm Dani its so not nice to meet you' I slap her across her face 'DANI WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!!' 'She tried kissing MY girlfriend!! Nobosy kisses her but me you got tbat Brittany!' She looks at Santana and says 'nice girlfriend you have there' 'brit I think you should leave' santana replies. She gets her bags and leaves 'goodbye baby I'll be back soon call when all this blows over' I get so mad I dismissed myself to Santana's bedroom and locked the door. An hour passed and I was still in her bedroom 'Hey Dani its Rachel can you unlock the door please I just want to talk.'

Rachel's pov

I went to Santana's room to try and talk to Dani she opened the door I walked in and saw her on the bed crying I shut the door and locked it 'Dani you don't have to be this way Santana broke up with her months ago believe me she loves you not Brittany she-' she cut me off by saying 'then why didnt she tell her to go home before then why did she look so guilty when I saw them both!' 'Believe me she didn't kiss her bsck as soon as she kissed Santana she pushed her away I saw it with my own eyes'. We heard a knock on the bedroom door 'hey can I come in please' I looked at Dani but she took no notice 'yeah sure one second, Dani you have to talk to her please?' She nodded her head I got up and unlocked the door and walked out.

Santana's pov

I walked into my bedroom and shut the door 'Dani are you okay?' She didnt look at me 'Dani helloo?' 'Why didn't you telll her to leave before we came back!?' She looked straight at me with anger in her face 'because I didnt think I was too busy with you and your family!' 'I dont care if you were with us you could of atleast text her and say go home or something!! I bet ypu loved it when you saw here and I bet you wanted to kiss her when she kissed you' 'wait are you seriously mad at me because she kissed me it says it in the title SHE KISSED ME!! I would never hurt you like that the way you hurt me when you fucked Joe!!' Wpby this point we was in a huge argument. 'WE WERE NOT TOGETHER THEN HOW MANY TIMES!!' 'I dont care if we werent together you still hurt me because we had slept together the day before you and him!' We was arguing for hours on end it never ended, 'Dani if you are seriously arguing over this then why don't you just leave I can't be dealing with this I cant be with someone who doesn't trust me!' 'Are you breaking up with me!?' 'If you dont trust me then yeah I am'..

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