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After the war.......Lives have been lost.  Horrid sights have been seen.  Nothing will ever be the same.  No one will ever be the same.  Everyone in Harry's year is redoing their last year at Hogwarts.  Hermione sits on the Hogwarts Express, Ron's arm around her shoulders.  Harry and Ginny talk about Quidditch across from them. 
Hermione's POV
Ron was so close to me, it was like I was being strangled.  It felt horrible to be in his embrace.  I wished I actually loved someone. But I couldn't try to tell Ron that again cause he wouldn't all. "So Mione, will you get us some candy?" Ron said, obviously not as a question. "Sure," I fake grinned and stood up, wrestling some coins from my purse to slap onto the cart. He didn't even give me money for it, but did Ginny and Harry notice this slavery? No. The trolley witch handed me the heavy bags of candy and I headed back to the compartment. I could barely see over the stack of Ronald's food. All of a sudden, I smacked into someone tall and muscular. We toppled to the floor and I rambled apologies. I stood and picked up the candy as the person brushed themselves off. I was still apologizing as I looked up to see platinum blonde hair. "M-Malfoy? Um really sorry about that. I'll just be going." Malfoy rolled his eyes, pushing past me with force, "Watch where you're going Granger!" I hoisted the candy bags higher in my arms and returned to my friends. Ginny and Harry were kissing now and Ron yanked the candy from my arms and tore into it. He is such a rude slob!

Ron didn't offer me anything not that I wanted that junk

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Ron didn't offer me anything not that I wanted that junk.  Ginny and Harry quit snogging and took some candy.  Mcgonnagal boomed throughout the train, "Students, we will be arriving shortly. I suggest you change into your robes." "Boys, out!" I demanded. Ron sat still in his seat eating, while Harry stood up. "Ron leave!" Ginny and I yelled. Crookshanks hissed at Ron. "Ok ok I'm going," he hurried close behind Harry into a compartment with guys. Ginny and I closed the blinds and took out our robes. We removed our muggle clothes and put on our uniform followed by our robes.  Ginny made small talk, "So Mione how are things with Ron?"  "To be honest, horrible. All he ever does is make me get him stuff and pay for it while he eats like a slob. He always kisses me, but it's not even pleasant. Never any romantic gestures. He never takes me out on real dates or offers to pay for my food with all the money he got from the war. He just is there, always touching my arm or something, trying to seem affectionate while he is probably sleeping with Lavender when I'm not around." I reply truthfully, head in my hands.  Ginny is speechless, she walks over and hugs me.  "Mione why don't you break up with him?!" I started crying, "He won't listen. Every time I try to talk to him, he slaps me across my mouth and tries to kiss me so I'll shut up. But I never do. I told him that he isn't treating me right and he just ignored me." Ginny balled her hands into fists, "I'll make sure he knows that you are over. I'm gonna teach him a lesson for messing with my best friend." We unlocked the door and opened the blinds just as Ronald was about to enter. Ginny punched his jaw as he stepped inside and dragged him into an empty compartment. "Ronald Billius Weasley! You have been treating Hermione like trash. You don't even love her." Ron looked shocked, "Hermione loves me! I kiss her all the time, she knows what she means to me." Ginny punched him again, "None of that is true! Yes she does know what she means to you, a slave! A toy, some gorgeous girl to goggle at. Someone to do your homework all night, along with her own with nothing in return. Hermione wants nothing to do with you, she already made that pretty clear but you keep pretending like you're together. You two are officially over now Ronald deal with it and let Hermione have someone who deserves her!" "Fine! No one else wants her anyway! She's just a filthy mudblood!" At that moment, I slid open the door, Crookshanks in my arms and heard Ronald's last words. I broke, I cried my way down the hall silently, running to the farthest compartment. Luckily no one was in it. But little did I know I had an audience standing outside the door. He watched me with worry, concern and sadness in his steel eyes, as I sobbed and sobbed, curled up in the corner of the bench, stroking my cat. Soon the Slytherin spun around and returned to his friends. I summoned my luggage as Mcgonnagal announced our arrival. I stood, wiping my tears, sniffing and straightened my uniform. I peered at myself in the glass, a broken beauty.

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