Second Home

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I hoisted my bags over my shoulder and stepped up into a carriage by myself. I could see the thestrals. I fished into my bag for an apple and threw it to them. They nibbled away at it and neighed. Ginny ran off the train without the boys and joined my carriage. The thestrals started moving. Ginny spoke, "Hermione, Ron didn't mean that. He is just angry. He hasn't been the same since Fred died. I'm sure he'll let it go eventually. But now you're free!"  "Maybe you're right." I said hesitantly. "I promise as soon as we are settled in, I'll make sure you find a better guy." Ginny offered. "It's ok Gin. I think I will just have to wait for my perfect guy to find me." I sighed. "Alright Mione, just try not to think too much about what Ronald says." I nodded, hopped off the carriage, gave the thestrals a pat and walked up to Hogwarts with Ginny. We stepped inside and walked down the corridors. Hogwarts has been rebuilt and it looks better than ever. There are new classrooms, dormitories and Heads' quarters, much more modernized than before. The Great Hall still shimmers with its enchanted ceiling of stars, but tables for anyone to sit wherever. No more segregation between house tables or dating within your house. The elves were getting paid for their jobs and everything seemed cheerful.  We all filed into the Great Hall and Gin and I found a table.  Luna and Neville came and sat with us, filling up the seats near us.  Luna whispered in her dreamy voice, "I heard about Ronald. I'll make sure he doesn't bother you."  Luna clasped her hand in Neville's as the Headmistress spoke, "Welcome to another year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. For the first years, I am Professor Mcgonnagal, now your Headmistress. If there are any questions or problems you come to me or one of your other teachers."  She continued, talking about all the lives lost in the war, brave students, teachers and people.  She mentioned Harry, Ron, Ginny, Neville, Luna and I and we stood, waving.  I sat back down, looking towards a table of Slytherins including Malfoy with a pang of hurt on his face.  I felt guilt shoot up my spine and looked away in pity.  He looked so lonely, if only he would shed his cold facade. I wonder what he's really like behind those eyes of steel. His eyes were silver pools that were easy to drown in. Beneath the walls he's built up, maybe he is a good person. I snapped out of my thoughts, just as we were dismissed. Ginny and I walked up to Griffindor Tower and flung ourselves onto the beds. Good to be home. There was a beep and then a booming voice throughout the castle, "Students will be placed into new dormitories based on common interests and qualities rather than heritage and actions. There are muggle laptops in each of your original house dormitories for you to fill out the questions for resorting. We encourage House Unity this year and as always take into account your own feelings. Please submit your answers by midnight tonight. Welcome back!" I was shocked, "Laptops?! An announcement system?! Hogwarts is really getting into the whole modern thing with all this muggle technology!" Ginny replied, "I don't know how that stuff works without magic but it seems cool. I just hope we aren't separated." "Yeah me too," I sigh and open the bedside drawer to a laptop, "Might as well get started. Just put me in your preferred box." "Kk." Ginny opened her own laptop and clicked away. The questions were simple 'check your hobbies' and 'what was your originally sorted house?' kind of stuff. At the end there was a spot for your preferences. I wrote, "Be with Ginevra Weasley. Away from Ronald Weasley. Perhaps a two person dorm with more girl stuff. Makeup tables or hair products. Quiet. Lots of books. Whatever is closest to that."  I clicked submit.  Ginny typed out her preferences, hit submit and closed her own laptop.  "Done." she said smiling, before my mischievous best friend smirked, "Now let's start on boyfriend hunting. I will make multiple lists; since that is how you handle things; of hot guys and smart guys, and we will narrow them down based on other qualities."  I rolled my eyes and sighed, "Ok you can make the lists now but I refuse to narrow anything down until I get some sleep."  Ginny squealed, grabbing a quill and parchment, starting the smart guys list, "Based on 6th year's posted O.W.L. grades, this is a list of guys close to your intellect in order."
Smart Guys
Draco Malfoy
• Harry Potter(Is mine so off limits)
• Theodore Nott
• Neville Longbottom
-Ginevra Weasley
Ginny put the list in a box, hiding them from me. "Ok Mione, now for the Hot guys. You have to tell me your taste, just so we really know for sure, some mild truth serum that you brewed over the summer for practice." Ginny gave me the truth potion and I drank some. "So Hermione any specific hair color you're into or not into?" I opened my mouth quickly, blurting out, "Not red after Ronald. Blond, brown, or black is attractive, no crazy dyed colors though." Ginny raised her eyebrows, "Good looks like the potion has kicked in. Eye color preference?" I replied dreamily, "Any color I can get lost in." What the heck is happening to me? Ginny grinned, "You've gone goofy and we haven't even narrowed it down yet. Now describe what he would look like." An image popped to mind of someone's face, I couldn't put my finger on who, but they were rather handsome. I spoke, "They would be pale, perfect jawline, and strong. Not too strong and muscular like those fricking bodybuilders. No.....he would be tall and muscular, just so it's noticeable." I gasped at my own description, turning red and giggling. Ginny gasped too, "What have I done to you Hermione?! Ok so a guy who works out slightly noticeably, I get you gurl. So add all those up for your idea of hot guys and here is the list. Quite surprising actually."

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