New Houses

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Hermione's POV
Please be with Ginny.  Please be with Ginny.  Please please please.  Mcgonnagal listed, "In the Slytherin dormitories will be Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, and Theodore Nott; Luna Lovegood, Daphne Greengrass and Astoria Greengrass; Ginevra Weasley and Hermione Granger."  Gasps echoed at our names.  I'm with Ginny!  Slytherin is actually really luxurious I've heard.  I hope we have parties, I could really use something fun to keep my mind off of Ron.  There he is now.......making out with Lavender!!!!!!!!  WHAT?!  I ball up my fists under the table as Draco looks where I'm glaring.  I feel him touch my hand gently and stroke it soothingly, then unraveling my fist for me as I take a deep breath.  Ginny gives me a wide grin when she hears our names, then sees Ron and Lavender and starts to turn red, fuming.  She giggles as she glances down and sees Draco's hand on mine.  It feels nice to know he's here for me.  I feel safe when I'm around him, comforted. 
Draco's POV
I'm with Hermione!  Yes!  Stupid Weasley and Brown are still making out while I stroke Hermione's hand consolingly.  Ginny is now making childish kissy faces behind Hermione's back while she looks deep into my eyes sweetly.  I gaze into her chocolate orbs ignoring Ginny's fangirling, silently letting her know I'm here for her.  All of a sudden, Hermione's arms are around me, hugging me tight and I return her embrace gently.  She lets go and whispers to Ginny before both girls leave in the direction of the Slytherin dorms.  I wait a minute before walking out too.  I enter the common room I've been in for 7 years to muffled voices.  "Calm down calm down. Hermioneeeee! Cool it. I know this is hard to watch just let mum handle that idiot! I promise you'll be very pleased when he receives his howler. Cmon you can't do that what are you crazy?! Well I can promise you things will work out in your favor. You don't need to worry. This doesn't mean you're vulnerable, you have double the strength this year because........."  A gasp echoes against the stone.  I back up pretending to only have entered now and clear my throat.  "You alright now?"  Hermione turns her head quickly and blushes when she sees me.  Shaking it off, she nods affirmatively. "Glad to hear it," I respond with a smile.  Ginny coughs awkwardly and suggests, "How about we go check out our room Mione?"  "Sounds good to me!" She replies.  "I'll just go unpack," I state, retreating to my own dorm.  Hermione and Ginny rush all the way up the stairs to their two person dorm.
Hermione's POV
We fling open the door carelessly and run inside our new room.  There are two four poster beds, each with a nightstand, lamp, and laptop.  Next to each bed are makeup tables with a lighted mirror and drawers full of makeup and hair products.  Ginny and I turn to each other, "O.M.G!!!!!!"  We slap the air repeatedly, jumping and squealing.  Draco rushes up the stairs and bursts through the door, "W-WHAT HAPPENED?! Bloody hell why were you screaming?!"  "Sorry. This room is just so fricking awesome!" Ginny responds. He rolls his eyes, "Girls." The blonde tiredly returns to his room, slamming the door. We start to giggle. "So Ginny tell me more. He LIKES me?!" "Uh huh........he looooooooooves you. I bet if you cuddle up next to him on the couch he won't say anything about it and just stay there. And then maybe you can go in for a kiss. Muah muah muah....." Ginny teases, making kissing noises. I roll my eyes and go downstairs alone.  He isn't in the common room luckily, so I just plant myself on the couch with a book.  About 5 chapters in, Draco comes out of his room and sits on the couch beside me.  I glance up when the couch bounces and then continue reading.  He breaks the silence, "Whatcha reading?"  "Pride and Prejudice." I state.  "Pride and what?"  "Prejudice. It's a muggle book."  "Oh.......Do you particularly enjoy this 'muggle book'?"  I nod, "My favorite."  "Oh."  I continue reading and then pause to add, "I've read it 17 times."

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