Tonight, is the new moon and the tension around this place is high. Almost like something is going to happen. Jax and I are currently walking to the dining hall for dinner. Yes, the same dinner that we are supposed to be sedated with. And well if our plan goes will we will escape tonight.
Jax and I got to the dining hall and it was like normal, everyone was talking and joking around. It was all normal, so I went over to my seat and Jax followed. I sat down and looked at my food. I could tell something was wrong with it but I was supposed to follow the plan. So, I took my fork and brought a piece of it to my mouth when I through it down to my plate and jumped out of my seat. Everyone looked at me as if I was crazy.
"What's wrong, A?" My master questioned.
"Do you think I'm stupid?! Someone put something in my food!" I yelled. My master looked at me as if I was crazy. "If you don't believe me then smell it!"
My master took a deep breath and smelt the food. At first, he didn't smell it but soon his face changed and I knew he smelt it.
"Who did this?" He said. No one answered. He looked at Jax and took both my food and his food and through it into the wall. He looked at Jax and I and said, "I'm sorry. You can go back to your room and I will have food brought to you." I looked at Jax and he looked at me. We both nodded and left the dining hall. Once we got back into the room, I jumped onto Jax and hugged him.
"We did it!" I shouted.
"It's not over yet Baby, we still have to escape." He said.
"I know but we are so close to leaving I just can't wait." I was super hyper but still I was getting tired.
"Babe you okay?" He questioned.
"Yea, just I can feel her starting to take control. I should be fine for a little more than an hour." I said tiredly.
"Okay then let's get you into bed." He picked me up and put me into the bed. Just then there was a knock on the door. Jax went to answer it and it was a maid with food. She came in room and put the food on the table. I looked at her and nodded my head, she nodded back and left. She knew about the escape, she was a part of it and she knew what to do.
"I'm not eating the food." I said looking at the plate.
"Baby you have to. Especially since you are the only one with the plan." He took his food and started eating.
"It doesn't matter if I don't eat Ember will take care of me." I said watching him eat.
"So, you're just going to sit there and watch me eat?" He inquired.
"No, I'm going to go get ready." I got up and went into the closet. I got changed into the cloths I had picked out for this day. This consisted of a black tank-top, black legging, black combat boots, my leather jacket, and finally my moon necklace. Hopefully Ember will take care of my cloths this time. I also had a bag packed full of clothes, its underneath my bed.
I walked out of the closet and saw that Jax was eating my food. When he saw me, he looked at me with puppy dog eyes.
"You know that you could have just asked me." I said walking over to my bed. He didn't say anything just kept on eating. I rolled my eyes and laid on my bed looking up at the ceiling and that's all I remember of the night.

WerewolfMy name is Alex, and I have been kidnapped for most of my life. I knew I was different causey wolf is very special but I just don't know how special. I have learned to fight and to survive in this hell. However I'm tired of just surviving, I'm ready...