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Brendon is gone. He suddenly left, telling Nurse Gilbert he realized he had forgotten something at his house, and that he'd be back as soon as possible.

She told him her shift was ending soon. As a matter of fact, she just walked out. But not after telling her fill-in, thankfully the nurse that calls me 'Sweetheart', that Brendon was allowed back in.

I figured out her name was Lee. So, it's Nurse Lee now. Nurse Lee reminds me of that lady that came in my room, called me her neighbor, and cried about her seven-year-old. They have the same eyes, height, and skin tones. I'm curious about both.

After Z and Dottie and Brendon, Jer stopped by. Then Ryland, Alex, Mickey, and Dan. Then the newer members of Panic! shuffled in. Dallon, Kenneth, and Dan didn't say much; they just muttered a few 'we're waiting for you' and 'I've-never-met-you-but-everyone-including-myself-wants-you-to-wake-up' . Thanks, guys.

Jon had came back in and had a brief chat with my body. He sat in the green chair and told me how his daughter made me some cards, showing my body the poorly, but cute pictures that Sagan drew for me.

Jon manages to smile, but I see the tears rolling down his cheeks and getting trapped in his beard, "Yea, I told her that you were in the hospital, and that's why I had to miss her tea party.." he rubs the back of his neck, then opens the card to show me its contents, "But no later than thirty minutes, she comes down with this card that she made for you.. And I hope you're in the mood for tea when you wake up, 'cause you're invited to have tea with us once you get out of here." He laughs with a half-smile. And then we both are quiet, but it's not like I have a choice. Jon gets up to stand up the card on the side table, and before he leaves, he pulls my body in for a gentle hug.

It's Spencer's turn. Poor Spencer. He hasn't slept since I got here, and I don't remember if he even left to take a break from here. I hope he did. His eyes are bloodshot and have dark bags underneath them, just like everyone else. He sits in the same chair that Jon sat in not too long ago, and stares at me with sorrowful eyes.

There are tubes practically coming out of every orifice, and he tries his best to ignore them. I'm still me and he's still Spencer. And he begins to make small talk and shifts in his chair, "How are you doing?" he asks.

I don't know. I'm scared, tired, I want to go to sleep, I miss Dottie and Elwood.. I hope somebody told them that I was going to be okay, and hugged them. Brendon's visit was.. Kinda everything? Yea, after succeeding to see me after like what- nine hours? He waltzed right out off here just like he was avoiding rumors about us. Maybe I scared him off? Maybe he doesn't want to deal with me right now and that was just an excuse.. I spent the last few hours stuck in a stupid daydream where he'd finally come and see me, but when he finally staggered into the ICU, if I had the strength, I would have ran off.

"Man, you wouldn't believe how fucking crazy it's been this past day," Spencer starts, beginning with the story of Brendon, "So basically, this entire morning, since you got into.. Well, y'know. Brendon hadn't heard about it. And I was just like, 'Dude, what the fuck?' because he obviously was pissed off that morning, and wasn't responding to mine or Jon's messages like he didn't give a shit.. And after ages, his ass finally picks up," Spencer rolls his eyes for a dramatic effect, I crack a smile, "Look, I know something happened with you two that night," He trails off, looking elsewhere except for my body.

Yea, it was some good ol' sex! How'd you know?

"This morning, I just remember calling him, and saying something like, 'I don't give a shit about what happened last night, he's comatose and unresponsive. Get over here!' and then he wants to see you after clearly yelling at you to get out of his house," Spencer shrugs, shaking his head in disapproval of Brendon.

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