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Brendon refused to leave. He made his ground in that chair and told the doctors that he wasn't leaving. Strange. I'd thought he'd be calling Sarah and asking when she would return. Or maybe he already did that when he left for that brief amount of time. 

He sat there, holding my hand, telling me it was going to be okay. 

I wasn't sure if I should believe him. If I really was going to be okay for sure, I'd think that I'd be awake by now. 

"You know, when you wake up, maybe... Just.. God, we could work together again. Ryan, we'll do whatever you want. I promise." He tells me, listing off a reason to stay. Okay, two things; one, why hasn't he tried shutting off the ventilator and/or life support, killing me instantly, and two, why is he still here?

Another doctor comes in, I've never seen her before. She's pudgy, has chocolate brown eyes a messy bun sits atop her head, and a clipboard in hand. 

"I'm not leaving," Brendon says defensively before she can even speak. 

"I didn't tell you to leave, honey." She get closer to me and opens my eye, shining a flashlight into my cold dead eyes. She nods in approval, and writes it down on her clipboard, "I've heard from other people that you're not leaving without a fight."

"I don't want to leave him anymore, I know that for sure." Brendon says, a face full of regret.

She hums in a confused tone, "Do you know if he has any relatives I can discuss his situation with?" She quints, "Or is there something I'm supposed to catch onto.." She points where my freezing hand is laced with Brendon's warm one.

Brendon looks down, then a look of realization hits his face, "Oh, you mean our rings!" He exclaims, and she nods, "Yea, I'm... I'm his, uh, I'm his fiance." I'm not surprised. "You can tell me, and I'll pass it onto his relatives. Everyone left earlier."

"You sure about that?" She doesn't buy it, Brendon nods a yes. She begins to scan through her clipboard, analyze it one last time. 

"Alright, so after going over his charts and everything else with everyone who's worked on him this past day or so. We've concluded that for sure, he'll end up in a rehab center. Anywhere from six months to a year at the most-"

"No." Brendon cuts her off, his voice is soft at first. Before I know it he's choking on his own tears. 

"-due to the paralysis and the skin graft on his leg will unfortunately leave a nasty scar. On that note, he has to go under for another skin graft in a few days-"

"No." He says louder, tears threaten to fall.

"-to do another graft.. You can establish when you would like to visit him in rehab. I'm sure they'll give you visiting hours and days, because they'll be so busy working with him and-"

"NO!" He shouts, putting his free hand up, as if it was going to protect him from hearing anymore of her words. "Please, no,"

"'No' what? you don't want your 'fiance' to get the help?" She makes air quotations before putting her hands on her hips.

"Ma'am, please I'm telling you right now, I don't want him to go to rehab." Ah, there it is, he obviously wants me dead. But he's not down with murder. "Look, if there's anything I can do, I'm willing to do it." wait, "I'll have whatever he needs installed into my home, I'll provide for him, shit, I'll pay off his medical bills.. Please if there's anything we can work out, or a compromise? I'm willing to do anything for him." 

Well I thought wrong. She sighs, I can tell she feels defeated by Brendon's words. That he's willing to do anything for me, then she gives in, "Okay, well, let me think about it, in the meantime, I have to go check on a few patients and get a coffee, we'll discuss this later.." She picks her head up and walks off, clipboard in hand. 

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