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I have nowhere to go and nothing to do. I've become the wanderer. A literal ghost; wandering emotionlessly through the endless white hospital corridors. My legs glued to linoleum floor.

I needed a break from my body. I didn't want to look at my beaten and bruised self any longer. It was awful.

Walking through the blank halls was slightly less painful; I'll see the occasional crying unknown relative. Not knowing what had happened to their family. I want to tell them that it's okay to cry, or be upset about the situation, but as usual, they can't see me.

That's when I heard a kid crying. Wouldn't they have a parent to comfort them or something? To tell them that it's going to be okay?

I turn my head down the hall I haven't walked, there's a little girl. She's sat on the floor, fresh tears falling from her little grey eyes onto her 80s styled baby blue dress. How have the goddamn nurses not noticed her?

I know I'm useless, but I try anyways, "Hey, are you.. Are you okay?"

She looks up. She looked up. She looked up at me! She heard me!

"I-I can't-can't find mommy.."

"Can you see me?" I ask, how the Hell..

She nods, and then stands up, she's barefoot; and her golden hair is tangled.

"The ladies don't hear me, I ask them, but they can't hear.." She says,

"Do you know where you're mommy is? Maybe I can help you find her.." I have no idea what's happening, "What's your name?"

"Allie," she responds, "Mommy calls me that.. I don't know where she went.." Allie wraps her arms around my lower half, hugging me tightly. I got down to her level, and I hugged her back; I know she's scared. 

"It's okay, it's okay, you're going to be okay.." I whispered as I embraced her.

"What's your name?"


Allie breaks free of the hug and looks at me in the eyes, "You're like a superhero, Ryan!" she giggles, and I can't help but smile.

"Thanks," I stay smiling, "So do you remember where your mom was?" I ask, standing up, she holds my hand and we start to walk off.

"This morning.." she trails off, looking at the ceiling, "Mommy had too much medicine and needles, and she was taking me to see daddy at the cemetery.." tears start to fill her eyes, "We were close, and mommy was getting sick, and then we hit a black car.." I stop dead in my tracks and fall to my knees.

Shit. I start having flashbacks to this morning; my dead phone in my jacket's pocket, the few Skittles and pills I swallowed, me doing poorly at fighting away tears, the van that hit my leg at eighty-five mph, the officers and firefighters saying that the other driver was DOA... And a little girl no older than five thrown from the vehicle.

It was her.

I hadn't noticed I was crying, but that's when she wiped away a tear, "Why are you crying? Superhero's aren't supposed to cry.." Allie said with a frown, I gave that kid the tightest most loving hug I could. She didn't deserve to loose her mom, she's just a kid. And for her to have the image of her mom shooting up heroin and popping pills to overdose broke my fucking heart. That's how she's going to remember her. As soon as I wake up I'll take her in as my own and I'll do anything to make her life normal and- God, I'll take care of her.

Allie frantically pulls away from me, "RYAN, RYAN," I wipe away a fallen tear, "I think I hear mommy.."

"What? Your mom's here?" Did they shock her back? Please dear God...

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