Part 2!

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Lucy P.O.V

I'm so gonna kill Leo next time I see him! I'm gonna give him a Lucy kick right where the sun doesn't shine! How could he put swiss navy in my pasta sauce! ( navy swiss is a type of medicine that turn women on >/////< sorry!) Oh no, what do I do!? There all acting weird! "I think we should just go to bed..." "NO WAY!!!!!!" everyone yelled in unison. I couldn't blame them u could feel the effects start to get to me as well. Gah! This is so embarrassing!

Wendy P.O.V

   "Go on Erza~~~" I purred as I felt something odd I'd never felt, like a wired pit in my stomach.

   "Nope, I'll just kiss you," Erza replied smugly but with a slightly sultry look. That made me feel funny, and my face went red. (Like Spain's tomatoes) huh!? oh no, what do I do? I don't want her to be my first kiss!

   "Wait Wendy is too sweet for you, you'll be too rough! I'll do it!" Lucy yelled almost like she was scared. I wonder why I'm glad it's her instead though! Wait what am I even thinking and what's this weird feeling?
   "Ok," Erza said like she was eager to see.

(warning intense kissing if your an innocent jelly role skip down to were it says done)

Lucy leaned over nervously and very softly kissed me, the odd new feeling id been having grew and I parted my lips hoping I could let this new feeling grow. Lucy slid her tongue in my mouth gently rubbing my tongue then sucking. As I felt this new feeling desire is never felt before grew, my face felt hot and probably looked like a cherry.  I softly straddled her hips as I felt heat between my thighs, or was almost painful so to help relieve it I started rubbing up agents her needing more friction. Lucy cupped my face moaning slightly into my mouth and grabbed my hips deepening the kiss. I needed more, I softly moaned to let her know comply forgetting about the rest of the girls. I suddenly heard Juvia cough.
  "Well I'm gonna go to bed now." all the other girls said in unison.
  "That's so hot~~" Cana muttered under her breath with an odd expression. Lucy pulled back letting me off her as she breathed heavily a hot pink blush coating her cheeks, saliva dangling from our mouths.

(ok if you want a lemon after this please say so) (done)

Lucy P.O.V

"You taste good. " I purred not meaning to. "S-sorry! That must have been a terrible first kiss!" I sputtered out feeling embarrassed after everyone saw that.  "W-Wendy I understand if your mad but please, uh please don't hate me," I said lightning quick while stuttering. "L-Lucy?" "Yes?"

sorry for the short chapter I'll do better next time thanks for all the support! Hope you liked it my potatoes! Ohhhhh Gray~Sama! Yeah, yeah Potato-chan doesn't own Fairy Tail. Wait did you say chan instead of san! Uh no I gotta run! Wait come back!!!

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