At Last

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A month later, everything had sizzled down a small bit. John was still undecided, but he was spending a lot more time with Sherlock. And, as a result, Sherlock had gained some weight and he didn't always look so tired. But, it wasn't easy. This was still a toxic and unhealthy relationship they were having. They were constantly dancing around each other, avoiding more kisses, and always keeping a safe distance between each other. Both of them were indebted to Mary. They both had agreed that an affair would do no one good. As much as they still loved each other, they didn't want to be forever hiding, or lying. That wasn't the right thing to do...but, it was hard not to just throw themselves at each other.

Especially for John. The wound that had been his love for Sherlock had been ripped open. Oh, it was still entirely there. His love was ripe and it made him needy for Sherlock, yet guilty because of Mary. Yes, he and Mary had been drifting apart even before this, but the distance was greater now. And, like he and Sherlock had discussed; Mary wasn't an idiot. She was bound to notice the change in all of their relationships. She had. He and Sherlock, once again, were thick as thieves and John had even stayed over at Baker Street a fair few times.

Sherlock was, no doubt, happier. John was most definitely present in his life. He may not be acquainted with him in the way he wished,but Sherlock was happy enough to settle for second best. He didn't want to die anymore, so that was a bonus. John saw this, and with it he also saw just how dependant Sherlock had been on him. How much he still needed him. A part of John felt burdened by this need, but he mostly found it deeply satisfying. To know that he and Sherlock had always been on the same page in terms of attraction was overwhelmingly reassuring.

But this false sense of security was not going to last forever. Everyone knew it. Yes, Sherlock and John were close once again, but while this was happening, John and Mary's marriage was straining terribly and Sherlock was still left in the dark on the subject of John's choices. He was glum whenever John left the house. Mrs.Hudson noticed it, but she kept a respective distance. At least Sherlock was off the substance abuse. At least he was eating a bit more now. And choosing to sleep, rather than waiting until he couldn't keep his eyes open...was an improvement, definitely.

It was a Thursday when everything changed (More so than it already had developed). Sherlock was at Baker Street, alone. Today wasn't too bad a day. He had had his dosage of John's company the day prior and he was on a bit of a high from it.They had wrapped up a case involving the head of a Card Company franchise and a rather unfortunate 'misprinting' on a few hundred of the cards. They had barged back into Baker Street with proud grins, the thrum of adrenaline in their veins. They had shared a strong look, refrained from kissing each other senseless and then gotten a nice, strong cup of tea. Sherlock was quite pleased knowing John wanted him too. Yes, it was frustrating not being able to touch him so, but it made everything just about bearable.

So, his high was brought down once he heard the slam of the front door. It was pretty late, and Sherlock was actually drifting off on the couch, laptop on his knees. He gave a start and his eyes widened. He heard the familiar pattern of John's steps on his stairs, a bit more aggressive than usual. He raised an eyebrow and stood, closing over his laptop. 


He was greeted by John throwing open the door into the sitting room. He stormed over to Sherlock, took his face in his hands and smacked their lips together. Sherlock gave a start and stumbled back a bit, their lips moving in a hungry sync. John's hands were back in Sherlock's hair and Sherlock's were cupping John's cheeks. They shared in this moment of needs being met, full of soft sighs and muffled moans.

Sherlock forced himself to pull back, gasping for air. He kept his hands on John's face, a look of concern reaching his eyes. ''What was that? What's wrong?''

John sighed, calming down from his moment of complete need for Sherlock. ''We broke up. Me and Mary. We are through.''

Sherlock's eyes widened a fraction. ''What? What-what does that mean?''

''It means...'' John kissed Sherlock again, once on the mouth, then down along his jaw and neck. ''I. Chose. You.''

Sherlock felt tears rise in his eyes and his chin tilted back as John kissed him. ''You chose me?'' he whispered, voice drenched in disbelief.

John pulled back, his heart clenching at how vulnerable Sherlock looked. ''Yes. Yes, of course I chose you.''

''I-'' he didn't know what to say. ''John, are you sure? About wanting me, you have just come out of a long standing relationship and while feelings are there, you may-''

''Shut up. I chose you.'' John growled, pressing his lips on Sherlock's.

In no time, they were pulling at each other's clothing, quickly stumbling to Sherlock's room. John threw Sherlock's shirt to the kitchen floor and kept them walking backwards. Sherlock fumbled with the buttons on John's shirt, having already thrown his belt to the floor.

They fell into bed, Sherlock bringing John down on top of him. They kicked away their pants, leaving them both left in boxers. The two paused, gazing at each other truly for the first time. 

''John, I'm-''

''A virgin. Yeah.''

''Oh, you know.''

''Of course I do.'' John smiled softly down at Sherlock, then kissed his lips softly. ''I'll take care of you.''

Sherlock shivered warmly, arms reaching up to place themselves around John's neck as they sank into their first perfect night together, whispering ''I love you'' to each other.

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