Wonderful Idiot

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''Sherlock, why don't you try eating?''


''I'm making some tea, you'd like a cup, wouldn't you, dear?''


''Dear, it's been a month. Have you finished the case yet?''


''How about a spot of music?'' Mrs. Hudson shuffled around Sherlock's armchair, which held the silent detective. Poor Martha Hudson was so worried. Sherlock wasn't taking this well. Not one single bit. She understood, though. She was just as confused as to why John would leave Sherlock. There was definitely something fishy about it. Not two days before, Mrs. Hudson had been chatting to John about Sherlock.

''So, you're really settled in now.'' Mrs.Hudson smiled, handing John his cup of tea.

''Hmm?'' He questioned, looking at her expectantly, before he understood. ''Oh, you mean Sherlock.''

''Yes, I mean Sherlock.'' She smiled, almost coyly, at John, lowering herself into a seat at the kitchen table.

John grinned back with a nod. ''Yeah, I'm settled. It's just...It feels right. I mean, I had my time with Mary, but...'' his expression softened. ''It's always been Sherlock.''

Mrs.Hudson made a happy face. ''Oh, yous two!''

John blushed and batted a hand at her, walking to the sitting room. ''Shut up.''

Mrs.Hudson continued to beam.

She switched on the radio and looked to Sherlock, hoping to see some sort of change in him. His head tilted a little in the direction of the sound, looking a little more attentive. He sighed, allowing Mrs.Hudson to play her music. That was until he listened to it.

You're the one that I love, and I'm saying goodbye.

His hand struck out, slamming down on the button to move to the next nearest radio channel.

If you loved me, why'd you leave me?

''Oh, for f-'' He turned off the radio, rolling his eyes. Mrs.Hudson shuffled back in, eyes regretful.

''Dear, I didn't think-''

''It's fine,'' Sherlock hopped off his words, standing up from his armchair. ''Maybe I'll go out today.''

Mrs.Hudson hid her surprise and gave a nod, a little late. ''That's, yeah...That's a good idea. Fresh air ought to do you some good.''

''Exactly,'' Sherlock nodded with put-on enthusiasm. ''I'll go out.''

She just nodded again. ''If that's what you want''

''Mhm.'' Sherlock answered, walking into his room and shutting his door.

It was only an hour or so into Sherlock's mindless wandering of the familiar London streets before he noticed he was actually bored. Should he go home? No, too many memories. Seeing nothing else to do, he decided to take the tube to...wherever. Wherever his body pulled him towards, though he ended up quite upset with himself when he arrived in Soho. He recognized the streets he had ran with John on their first ever case together. Safe to say, Sherlock had cleared from the area pretty promptly. 

He continued wandering aimlessly, until he felt a buzzing against the top of his leg. He pulled out his phone and his eyes nearly popped out of his head when he saw it was John who was calling him. He stopped dead in the street, making quite a few people stumble and throw him glares. He quickly answered with trembling fingers. 

''John?'' he asked after a slight moment's hesitation. 

There was the sound of a loud exhalation of breath. ''Oh, it's great to hear your voice.''

''...John?'' Sherlock asked again. By the way John had left it with Sherlock, the detective wasn't expecting to hear any signs of John missing him, yet...

''John, why are you calling me?''

John hesitated on the other end of the conversation. ''Sherlock, I've gotten myself into some trouble. I-I...I shouldn't have left you-''

''I knew it!'' Sherlock exclaimed, feeling a burst of triumph in his chest. John made a noise of annoyance and Sherlock composed himself. ''Tell me about it.''

''I don't have time, Sherlock. I think...'' his voice dropped to a whisper and Sherlock could hear a door creek in the background. 

''John, what's going on? Are you hurt?''

John nodded, even if no one could see him. ''I think I've sprained my ankle, and I want to get out of this. I've been....They said they were going to kill you, Sherlock. I didn't know what else to do.''

Sherlock shut his eyes, worry washing through him, but also a feeling of relief. He hadn't messed up, John had just been trying to protect him. ''You idiot,'' he said, but his voice was soft.

''I know,'' John's voice was shaking. ''I'm in the basement of that shop, the...the weird one. Plaza. That one, remember?''

''Yes, I remember. What have they been making you do?''

''...Just small things, Sherlock. Stupid things, I was like a bloody secretary.''

''Idiot.'' Sherlock repeated, shaking his head as he turned to hail a cab. 

''Sherlock...'' John licked his lips. ''I love you.''

Sherlock's eyes momentarily shut again and for a brief moment he feel like crying out in happiness or sobbing in relief. ''Oh, you wonderful idiot'' Sherlock sighed. 

John let out a wet laugh. ''I'm really sorry, Sherlock. I just...I wouldn't let them kill you.''

''John,'' Sherlock murmured softly. ''I've been in that position too, remember? I understand, it's okay.''

John paused, experiencing a small moment of revelation. ''Oh, I understand now.''

Sherlock smiled softly as he climbed into the back of a cab. He paused briefly to tell the cabbie his wanted destination, before going back to John. ''Keep talking to me, okay?''

''Okay,'' John mumbled. ''Do you still love me?''

Sherlock snorted in response. ''What do you think?''

John started to smile a little wider and he let out a laugh, almost like a giggle. The sound made Sherlock smile slightly. ''You know that I love you.'' Sherlock said softly. 

John sniffed in a bit. ''This has been a horrible past month.''

Sherlock made a noise of agreement. ''We have had worse, do remember.''

''Doesn't make it any less horrible.''

''True, John.'' Sherlock sighed, and bit his lip before saying; ''I wished you'd told me.''

''So do I. I wished I told you, I wished I stopped this sooner.''

''Well, no matter, John. I'm coming to get you, and we'll get out of this no problem, okay? I'll call for Mycroft's help, I'll call for Lestrade, okay?''

''Okay, love.''

''Now...keep talking...''

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