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''Eat it, Sherlock.''

''I don't want to eat it, John.''

''You are going to bloody eat it, even if it's the last bloody thing I do. I will make you eat it.''

''John'' Sherlock whined.

They sat across from each other at the kitchen table, a plate of unfinished breakfast before Sherlock. John picked up a fork and got a piece of bacon on it. 

''Sherlock, you need to build up your appetite again. Now, we are sticking to our regime. Eat''

Sherlock only frowned down at the fork. ''But, I'm so full already.''

''William Sherlock Scott Holmes! Eat your food!''

Sherlock went silent for a moment, staring at John's face. He took the fork and scowled at John. ''Fine, idiot.'' He took a bite and chewed slowly. 

John smiled and leaned across the table to kiss Sherlock's forehead. ''Well done.''

Sherlock scowled again, though his cheeks started to heat up. He swallowed and looked up to John.

''A month.''

John sat back in his chair. ''Hmm?'' He questioned. ''What?''

''Been a month since you moved back in.'' Sherlock mumbled, continuing to eat with a small frown.

John's eyes slid across Sherlock's face. Over the last month, they'd gotten used to living with each other again, now there were a few added perks, obviously. There were more things to have to go through with Mary, but that was definitely over. Mary was angry at the two of them, and John couldn't blame her. He felt a little guilty, but...Sherlock. He couldn't give up on Sherlock. It was always Sherlock. He was always going to go back to him.

''Is it really?'' John responded, tilting his chair back.

Sherlock nodded, taking a sip of his orange juice. He looked to John and smiled lightly. John started to grin and he stood, walking around behind Sherlock so he could wrap his arms around his waist. He rested his chin on Sherlock's shoulder. 

''Love me?''

''I might just.'' Sherlock responded, finding a small bit of his appetite again. ''I do.''

''Good, I love you too.'' John pecked his cheek and pulled away. ''I should start to get ready for work. 

Sherlock nodded. ''Sure,'' he swallowed a bite of his food. ''I have to go out today anyway.''

''Oh?'' John questioned, clearing away his own plate of food.

''Apparently there's been a sighting. Moriarty.'' Sherlock answered, frowning.

''You still don't believe it's him, do you?''

''He shot himself in the head, John!''

''You jumped off a building!'' John reminded him, leaning against the counter. ''I know how infuriating it must feel for you to know that you must've missed something,''-Sherlock sighed-''but, it's not like you can go back in time. Keep your options open, Sherlock.''

Sherlock was silent for a moment, then he smiled. ''Two fake suicides.''

John tsked at Sherlock. ''Yeah, you're not allowed to do that again.''

''I know.'' Sherlock answered, glancing over at John. ''Not unless it's completely necess-''

''No.'' John stopped him, looking straight into his eyes. ''Never. Again.''

''I wont live forever, John.''

''Stop it.'' John whispered, looking down at his shoes. ''Don't say that.''

Sherlock sighed and stood, walking to John. ''Hey,'' he said softly, asking for his attention. John raised his head back up, his expression; weary.

''Never again.'' Sherlock said, pulling him into a hug. John latched a hand onto the back of Sherlock's pajama shirt, and he nuzzled his nose into his chest.

''Idiot.'' he chided, kissing his chest once.

Sherlock grinned and kissed the top of his head. ''I know.'' he murmured.

They stood in a comfortable, comforting silence for a few moments more, until Sherlock took in a breath and pulled back from John.

''Go, get ready for work.'' he smiled. ''I'll make you some tea to bring in a flask.''

''Thanks,'' John kissed his lips briefly, then turned and towards their bedroom (previously Sherlock's bedroom).

John came back from work late that night to find Sherlock asleep on the couch, coat still on with a cut lip and a bruise forming on his cheek. John was instantly worried and he sat down by Sherlock on the couch, bringing Sherlock's head to rest on his lap. 

''Love?'' he whispered, brushing back his hair. ''Sherlock, wake up.''

Sherlock stirred a bit and blinked his eyes open. He smiled sleepily up at John. ''You're home.''

John managed a small smile, face lined with concern. ''Sherlock, where did you get that shiner?''

''Oh,'' Sherlock raised a hand to his cheek, prodding a small bit to see how much it hurt. ''I'm fine, there were just criminals involved today and one wasn't quite happy with me.''

John frowned. ''What happened?''

Sherlock looked up to John. ''Mycroft had found him, taken him in for questioning. A remnant of the network I had taken down. He wasn't too pleased to hear of what I had dismantled. I wasn't prepared for any violence.'' Sherlock shrugged. ''I'm fine.''

John nodded, smiling softly down at him, brushing back the curls from his face. ''I love you.'' he whispered.

Sherlock felt his heart swell and he gazed at John's face, still disbelieving that he was finally his. ''I love you too.'' Sherlock grinned.

''Do you, now?'' John chuckled back, a goofy smile appearing on his face.

''Yes,'' Sherlock pulled himself up and kissed John's lips softly. ''A lot. Very much so.'' he whispered against his lips. ''Immensely, entirely, forever.''

John laughed and kissed him briefly, aware of his cut lip. ''Wouldn't have guessed.''

Sherlock heaved a fake sigh and started to kiss at John's jaw, and down along his neck. ''Idiot.'' he joked, his voice soft. ''My lovely idiot.''

John's shoulders shook as he laughed. ''I'm not sure if that's a compliment...?''

''Mmm,'' was all Sherlock responded with, bringing his trailing lips back up to John's mouth. ''I'd take it as a compliment. I rarely give them.''

''Oh, I don't know.'' John grinned, pushing Sherlock back against the arm rest, carefully hovering over him with a smile. ''I've gotten quite a lot of nice things said about me in recent times.''

''Oh, well, you're different, aren't you?'' Sherlock answered, reaching up to meet John's lips. ''Your status has been raised to lovely, unique idiot.''

John laughed and kissed both of Sherlock's cheeks. ''You're ridiculous.'' he grinned, kissing his neck now.

Sherlock laughed and squirmed. ''That tickles, John!''

John only continued, until Sherlock was left a laughing mess beneath him, tears of laughter in his eyes. Sherlock's laugh, to John, was the most beautiful sound, and he had rarely heard it with such clarity before. He stopped tickling him and kissed his forehead as Sherlock caught his breath. 

''I love you.'' he repeated to Sherlock.

''I've gathered.''

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