Be Careful What You Wish For

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Months went by and Sherlock and John were finally happy, finally back to normal. Moriarty had been quiet since his one brief sighting, and Sherlock was now convinced it was all a hoax.

He couldn't bring himself to even think about what Moriarty being alive would have meant. It meant he wouldn't have had to jump. He wouldn't have been apart from John. John wouldn't have found Mary. Wouldn't have married her and left Sherlock alone. Despite the fact that they were now a couple, Sherlock still would've preferred to skip the years of separation. 

Life was annoyingly quiet, but today would change everything. And Sherlock would be thinking; Be careful what you wish for.

''Bored, John!'' 

''Shut up, Sherlock, I'm trying to work.''John said back, gritting his teeth. 

Sherlock let out a loud sigh and stood up from his armchair. He stood behind John at the desk and leaned his chin on his shoulder. ''Did I ever tell you how sexy-''

''Not in the mood, Sherlock.'' he sighed.

''Right.'' Sherlock stood up straight. ''Sorry.'' He sighed again and flopped down onto the couch. He hesitated, before saying ''sorry'' again.

John smiled a little, eyes still on his paperwork. ''It's okay, love.''

Sherlock smiled to himself and shut his eyes as he rested his hand over his belly. ''Don't you need to go to the bank or something?''

John cursed under his breath and stood, quickly reaching across the table to grab his jacket. ''You're right, I forgot.'' he stuffed his phone and wallet into his jeans, before leaning down and kissing Sherlock's forehead. ''I love you.''

Sherlock opened his eyes and smiled up at John. ''I love you too. See you later.''

John pecked him once more before standing and hopping down the stairs. Sherlock sighed as he heard the door shut. It was a wonder John put up with him. He'd need a case soon. He wished for some excitement. He wished for something different.

It was much later when John arrived back home. Sherlock ran down the stairs quickly, clad in his pajamas. 

''Where on earth have you been?'' His eyes were wide, face pale with worry.

John just turned and looked at Sherlock with a tight jaw. He never met his partner's eyes. He looked livid. He looked furious, but it was his voice that gave him away.

''I need to speak with you.'' He sounded pained and hoarse. 

Sherlock felt his stomach clench and turn and he swallowed hard, looking down to John, wariness in his stance. 

''You okay?''

John gave a short, sad laugh, bitterness dripping through. He shook his head. '' No, I'm not really. I have to-I have to tell you something.''

''So...So, tell me.'' Sherlock answered, feeling apprehensive. He knew what this looked like, but that just didn't make sense.

John licked his lips. ''Sherlock,'' he sounded as if he was swallowing down a lump in his throat. ''Sherlock, I'm starting to think that maybe ''this'' isn't the best idea.''

The detective's mouth went dry and he started shaking his head. His eyes narrowed. ''No, you're not.''

John gave that fake laugh again as tears filled his eyes, and he still never looked into Sherlock's eyes. ''Yes, I have...I'm sorry.''

''No,'' Sherlock shifted on his feet, anxiousness swelling in his chest. ''No. That doesn't make sense.''

John forced himself to finally meet Sherlock's eyes. He had his shoulders squared, like a soldier, but his body still managed to tremble. ''I'm leaving you, Sherlock.''

Sherlock felt his lip quiver and tears slipped onto his cheeks. He shook his head again. ''Who's making you do this?''

John heaved a sigh and stepped back, dropping his head into his hands. ''No one is making me, Sherlock. I, me, have made this decision.''

''No,'' Sherlock was starting to get desperate. ''Whoever is holding whatever above your head...You don't need to do this, John, please!''

''Shut up!'' John shouted, silencing the detective. It went deathly quiet and Sherlock stared at him in shock. 

''Just, shut up.'' John growled, tears dripping off his nose. ''Have you ever thought that maybe I've just had enough?! Enough of you?''

''What do you...mean?'' Sherlock mumbled weakly, lips heavy. ''You said you...You love me, John.''

''I used to.'' John's icy tone cut him off and suddenly Sherlock wasn't so good at trying to keep a cool head, as he backed away from John, dropping weakly onto one of the bottoms steps on the stairs. 

''No.'' he shook his head, tears blurring his vision. They ran hot, too hot, down his cheeks and he bent over as that ghost of a pain resurfaced in his belly. ''I don't understand.'' he gasped.

John, now that Sherlock wasn't watching him, let the distress show on his face. He wanted to rush forward, take it all back, tell him he loved him. Tell him that he would always love him, but instead, in a curt voice, a voice smeared with cruelty, he continued.

''Surely you saw this coming on? It's been leading up to this for months-''

''No, it hasn't!'' Sherlock shouted, looking back up to John, tears streaming down his face, his voice thick. ''Not a week ago, we were discussing our future!'' he sniffed and wiped his nose before standing.''You bloody divorced someone so you could be with me! I lost EVERYTHING WHEN YOU LEFT AND YOU JUST WANT TO DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN?!'' He screamed, chest heaving. If he had thought he had had trust issues before, Sherlock's life was about to become way more difficult. 

John stared at him, his chin shaking as he tried so hard to keep in his tears, as he tried to keep himself off Sherlock. A silence hung in the air as they stared at each other, and what hurt John the most, was that despite what he was being forced to say to Sherlock, despite how horrible he knew it was for the detective...He still saw love in Sherlock's eyes. He saw hope. Hope was something he couldn't give him. 

''Tell me why you're doing this.'' Sherlock begged, voice much quieter now. ''I need to know why. Because...Because if you actually are leaving me...I wont be able to rest if I don't know what I managed to do wrong.'' A small sob escaped his lips before he continued. ''Was I not caring enough?'' he took in a quick breath. ''Cause...Cause I really tried to be. I wanted to be a normal boyfriend. I tried. I promise. I can try harder.''

John's breath caught in his throat and he fumbled with the door handle behind him. He shook his head at Sherlock. ''I'm sorry.'' he whispered. ''I am so sorry.'' 

And, then he was gone.

Leaning against the wall outside, Jim Moriarty smiled to John as he saw the tears flow down his cheeks. ''You did right thing, Johnny-boy.''

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