1. Ivy

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I was walking down the sidewalk to school alone on a cool morning. It was late January, so it was cold.

I felt the chilly wind hit my bare skin on my face. My cheeks were red from the cold, harsh wind. It blew my hair around, causing it to knot up.

I grabbed the knot in my hair and groaned as I rolled my eyes.

I regret not straightening my hair today.

I let go of the knot in my hair and continued walking. I shivered. Today I wore really thin leggings, thinking it would be nicer. But, as per usual, I was wrong.

I was always wrong. Nothing ever goes well for me. Today, already, I made 2 bad decisions. I didn't straighten my hair and I wore thin leggings. I know that doesn't seem bad, but it feels horrible.

I never do anything right. I mean, I can write tests and pass classes, but other than that, I'm a horror show.

I pushed away my negative thoughts and kept walking. I watched as cars rolled by. Some going fast, some slow.

But, as I predicted, another bad thing happened.

A giant rock happened to appear right in front of my foot. When I was paying attention to the traffic, I managed to run into the rock and trip.

My face smashed right into the cement. As for more bad luck, I got a bloody nose. A bad one.

I stood up, holding my nose. I looked down and saw a huge blood stain over my sweater.

Of course, the sweater happened to be my favourite.

I rolled my eyes at myself and kept walking, hoping the blood would stop soon.

I wiped the blood on my sleeve and sniffled up the blood.

gross. I thought to myself.

I kept walking as a cool gust of wind hit me like a truck. It felt like a cold hand was slowly tracing objects upon my bare skin.

I shuddered.

The warm blood rolled down the arm of my sweater, and for a second, I didn't mind it.

I didn't mind it because it was warm. But after realization struck, I shook that red goo out.

I made a sharp turn on Wright Avenue.

I kept walking down the street as the name almost mocked me.

Wright Avenue. If I was a street, I'd be Wrong Avenue.

I laughed at myself before continuing my route to school.

I skipped across the street, trying to stay positive before my day at hell began.

As I was in the middle of the road, I heard a loud car horn and the sound of swerving vehicle.

I ran across the street, too scared to look back.

I heard an angry, muffled voice shouting before the car door slammed and the tires screeched again.

I rolled my eyes at the angry driver before opening the school doors.

I walked right through the building and to the library.

It was the place that calmed me down the most, and it made me feel like less of a mess.

I turned the knob on the door to the library and pushed it open.

The smell of crisp paper and leather paperbacks filled my nose.

I took a deep breath in with my eyes closed as I imagined a calm world of silence and aromas.

Before my little fantasy was over, I felt the door behind me hit my back.

My eyes opened as I spun around quickly.

A boy with curly hair was standing in the doorway, holding a stack of books in a hand and the door in the other.

"I can help you with that." I said quietly as I held the door for the talking boy.

"Thanks." He said happily before walking into the library with his books.

He then turned around and faced me.

"There's blood on your sweater, are you alright?"

"Yeah, just a bloody nose."

He nodded and turned away.

I watched as he went to the librarian's desk, having small talk as they exchanged books.

My train of thought was cut short by the sound of the door closing shut.

I guess I forgot to hold the door.

I walked into the library, inducing myself.

I walked with my finger dragging across the spine of the books.

Just as I got interested in finding a book, the bell rang.

I walked out of the library, waving to the lady at the desk.

I shuffled along with a crowd of people heading to the same class I was headed to.

Mr.Kelly's geography class.

First chapter! I might not update in a while, I need to sort some things out :))
Written; September 28

Bon voyage,

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