8. Wyatt

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I was dragged upstairs by Ivy.

She pulled me down a long hall and into a room.

I assumed it was hers because of the photos on the wall.

She jumped on the bed.

Her eyes stayed closed for a few seconds, so I assumed she was asleep.

I rested my body on the wall of her room and watched the sleepy girl drift away.

When I thought she was sleeping, I slowly turned for the door.

I grabbed the knob and opened the door as it creaked.

I then heard a soft voice come from the motionless girl.


I closed the door and walked towards her bed.

She opened her arms wide, but her eyes stayed closed the whole time.

I crawled in, feeling out of place.

She then turned around and I wrapped my arms around her.

I felt more comfortable there.

I had my arms around her waist when I heard her soft breathing.

I smiled as I closed my eyes, falling into a light sleep with the girl I liked.


I woke up the next morning to an alarm playing some sort of girly music.

I scrunched my face as I opened my eyes to see the small body of a girl.

I woke up completely from the surprise. My heart started beating like crazy as memories from the previous night flooded my thoughts.

I slowly detached my arms from the sleeping girl, trying not to wake her.

When I moved away and got up from the bed, I felt a sudden coldness hit me like brick.

I shivered and checked the time on my phone, which was placed in my back pocket.

I pulled it out and read 7:00.

The music still circulated the room as I looked back.

Ivy was still stuck in a deep sleep. I smiled as I turned the knob.

The door creaked loudly as I cringed.

I heard a raspy mumble escape the lips of Ivy.

I turned around slowly to see her slam her hand down on the alarm clock to quiet the noise.

I watched, still scrunched in a ball of nervousness, as she slowly sat up in her bed and rubbed her head.

Her long brown hair waved as she ran her hands through it.

"Wyatt, what are you doing here?" She asked quietly in a raspy morning voice.

Her arms stretched for the ceiling as she pushed past me to what I assumed was the bathroom.

I hesitantly followed her.

"Last night was the dance, and you didn't let me leave so I stayed." I told her shakily, trying to ignore how nervous I really was.

"Sounds good." She nodded as she started brushing her teeth.

"I should be heading home," I started to say as I turned myself around and walked out of the doorway.

As I was fully around and almost out of the bathroom, a small, cold hand grabbed my wrist.

I turned around and looked at Ivy's hand wrapped around me.

I gulped hard as she let go.

"Stay." She told me.

I stood there, shocked, as she went back to brushing her teeth.


"So, if you want you can go back to your house before school." Ivy told me as I followed her down the stairs and to her kitchen.

I was surprised to see that no one was down there cooking, like my mom would be.

"Where are your parents?" I asked, slightly weary.

"Ole' pop is down in Chicago for a business meeting, and mama bear is busy working night shifts."

I nodded as she tossed me an apple. I caught it in my hand and took a bite.

I sat on a stool and watched Ivy buzz around the house, grabbing things for school.

By the time I finished the apple, she was ready to go.

We walked out of the door as she locked it behind us.

I smiled at her as we walked down her driveway and down the street towards my house.


When we got to my house I ran upstairs to change into new clothes.

I then grabbed all my books and threw them in by school bag before stopping right before I opened the door.

I caught my breath and opened it. I tried to act like I wasn't just running around like a madman in my own home.

I walked down the pathway to Ivy, tripping over not 1, but 2 sidewalk cracks.

"I'm surprised I'm not the one tripping today." Ivy giggled before helping me regain my balance.

"What do ya mean?" I asked her as we walked.

She looked down at her feet and let out a quiet sigh.

I watched as she opened her mouth to say something, but then shut it.

"You know you can trust me, Ivy. I would never judge you." I told her.

She kicked a rock before looking up at me.

Her face was straight with a slight hint of sadness.

I looked at her with trusting eyes.

I was expecting something sweet and sentimental from her.

But instead, her sadness was broken with laughter.

I looked at her, confused.

"Wait. Give me a minute." She said as she laughed harder.

She laughed so hard that we had to stop walking, just for her to catch her breath.

She held onto my shoulder as she was bent down, holding her stomach.

I smiled softly as I watched the last of her giggle fit before we began walking again.

"So, you're saying you liiiiiike me?" She said in a childish voice. Ivy twirled around and skipped behind me.

"Yes, Ivy. I like you a lot."

Damn that was fast
Written; October 19th

Bon voyage,

Good Luck Charm ➳ Wyatt OleffWhere stories live. Discover now