14. Ivy

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I grabbed my bag and was about to head out the door when there was a knock.

I opened up the door to see Wyatt, who was breathing heavily.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I stepped outside of the house.

"Yeah, I'm doing fine, I just almost got hit by a car but it's cool." He said, trying to brush it off.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I repeated as we walked down my driveway and toward the school.

"Oh yeah, I'm good. I think I might just be having a bit of bad luck."

Bad luck.

I know all about that stuff. I practically used to live with it! It was apart of my daily routine until Wyatt came around...

"Don't let it get the best of you. And trust me, I've had my fair share of bad luck." I told him as I grabbed his hand.

Our fingers linked and we walked to school talking about Star Wars. I mean, Reylo could happen!

(seriously though, reylo can totally happen after the last jedi)


When we got to school, we went our separate ways so we could get to our first classes of the morning.

As we split, I made sure to keep an eye on Wyatt, just to make sure nothing bad happens to him again.

What if I somehow gave him that bad luck.

Or I took his good luck away?

For fucks sake, he was supposed to be a good luck charm.

I pulled out my phone and called Sophia, then Finn.

I clicked on her contact and pressed call.

"Soph, can we ditch first period to talk? I have a some stuff on my mind."

"Sure, kiddo. Where do you want to meet?" She asked.

"At the Starbucks down the street. I'm going to call Finn now, okay?"

"Sure thing. Talk to ya later."


And with that, I pulled my phone away from my ear and clicked on Finn's contact.

I pressed the call button and waited for a response.

"Finn's pizza hotline, we serve it hot so you pay us lots, how may I help you?"

I laughed through the phone, and I could sense him smiling.

"We need to talk, along with Sophia. Meet us at Starbucks."

"Right now? So we're ditching 1st?" He asked, sounding intrigued.

"Yup. See ya there, pizza hotline."

"We make you pizza, so you'll give us your visa."

I waited for a few seconds.

"Card. Visa card. Man these are hard to make up."

I chuckled and hung up. I then walked through the halls and found my way to the back exit.

I walked out and tried to avoid surveillance cameras while I ran to Starbucks.

Starbucks owners are smart for putting one so close to a school. They know kids can't resist.

I ran across the street and down the sidewalk.

I pushed open the door and immediately saw Sophia sitting in a booth.

I sat in the seat across from her as we waited for Finn.

"So what's this talk about? Parties, parents, puppies?" Sophia asked, naming things while numbering them with her fingers.

"None of the above." I told her with a smile.

"Oh. Uhm, how about bad grades, babies, boys?" She said, listing more things.

"Number 3."

Just as I answered, Finn walked in.

"Finn's pizza hotline, here we make it so you can take it....

Home with you to eat." He finished off.

"I'm getting worse with each jingle." He said as he sat down.

"So, Ivy here wants to talk about boys." Sophia pointed out.

I nodded.

"But let's get something to drink first." Finn chimed in.


We ordered our drinks and waited.

"So, which boy is it?" Finn asked me in interrogation mode.

"Did he hurt you? Are you feelings hurt? Do I need to fight someone?" Finn kept naming off questions.

"No. I think I might have hurt someone." I told them both. "Let me explain."

They both nodded and listened to what I had to say.

"So, you guys both know how I like to tell myself that I'm a bad luck charm? I made myself believe that Wyatt was my good luck charm. And I'm scared that it may be coming true in a way."

Small gasps escaped their lips.

"How is that bad? He's a good luck charm for you then! You need him!" Sophia exclaimed.

"That's what I thought in the beginning as well. But it's as if we switched charms? I don't know, I'm sounding crazy here." I shook my head at myself for even thinking that. "It's stupid, I know."

"Ivy, it's not stupid. It's like a placebo. If you believe yourself, it may just actually happen." Finn shared.


I nodded.

"I think he's having bad luck because he's with me. I haven't been having the greatest luck either, but it isn't as bad as it was, I'm actually enjoying myself now."

"Well how about we test this theory out. I'll go and hang out with Wyatt for the day and see if things go wrong." Finn suggested.

"Okay, and I'll stay with Ivy to see if anything extraordinary happens." Sophia said.

I agreed.

"And we'll go to my house afterwards to discuss." I added.

"Sounds like a plan to me. Now let's get back so we don't miss 2nd period." Sophia said.

We got up together and started walking.

"You know we never even got to drink our drinks. All we did was order them." Finn said as we walked up to the school.

We laughed together and walked in the doors.

"Okay, I'm going to find Wyatt at lunch break. Good luck you guys." Finn said before running down a hallway.

"Pfft, good luck to him too." Sophia said.

I nodded in agreement as we walked to our next classes.

New chap!
Written; December 6

Bon Voyage,

Good Luck Charm ➳ Wyatt OleffWhere stories live. Discover now