11. Ivy

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Wyatt walked me to my doorstep as our hands were linked.

"I had an amazing day." I told him as I spun around to face him.

His dimple appeared once again, creating a perfect crease in his face.

"The fact that I got to spend a few hours with you was just awesome, Ivy. That really made my day."

I looked at my feet as I pushed my hair behind one ear.

He pulled out his camera and took a few more pictures before placing it back in its case.

I turned around and waved goodbye as I pulled out the keys again to open the front door.

When I got the keys in the lock, I heard Wyatt speak again, but this time he was in the streets.

"Scratch that. Ivy, you made my month!"

I laughed at the fact that he would scream in a street just to let me know that I made him happy.

He's a keeper.

I walked into my quiet house and skipped straight up to my room where I ended up playing music and jumping around my room for an hour.

My mom came home around the time I was exhausted from all the dancing.

When I heard the front door creak I automatically knew it was her, so I jumped to my feet and ran down the stairs.

My mom and I are close together, and I tend to tell her all of the juicy stuff that happens at school.

"Mommommommommommommom" I said at the speed of light.

"Yes darling." She replied while placing her purse on the counter and took off her shoes.

"I met this guy...."

I smile grew on both of our faces.

She walked to me and grabbed both of my hands.

A little squeak exited her mouth as we jumped in circles.

We we're both squeaking at this point.

"What's his name?!" She asked.

"Wyatt." I told her with a massive smile on my face.

When I said his name, butterflies fluttered around in my stomach.

I walked to the couch and sat down as she followed me.

I crossed my legs and faced her as she asked more questions about him.

"Where'd you meet him?" 

I smiled and held both of her hands.

"At the dance,well, no, at the library." I rambled on, trying to remember the exact location.

"Yeah, yeah, the library." I confirmed to her.

She nodded, "How romantic!"

We talked and laughed for a while before she got up to make dinner for the both of us.

I sat back on the couch and turned in the tv. I was locked in a daze of thought. Images of Wyatt floated around in my head as I went over all the events of today.


After eating, I went up to my room to do homework like any other average high schooler.

I picked up a pencil and started writing down equations and other things math related.

Just as I started getting into the groove of things, I heard something hit my window.

(into the groove? wtf)

I jolted up and turned my head toward the sound.

I stared for a few seconds, confusion written all over my face. I slowly brushed it off and went back to work until the noise returned.

This time I rose from the ground and looked out the window.

I opened it up as a gust of wind blew through the window.

I pushed my hair out of my face and looked around. I turned my attention to the ground and saw Wyatt standing there with rocks in his hands.

"Ivy!" He shouted with a cute smile plastered on his face.

I laughed and waved to the boy standing outside.

"What are you doing here?" I asked happily.

"I just wanted to see you again." He placed the rocks on the ground and looked back up at me. "Can I come up?"

I nodded, not even giving myself a chance to second guess the decision.

"Come through the front door, I'll meet you down there." I closed my window quickly.

I turned around and bolted down the stairs to meet him. I ran through the hallway and to the stairs. Before I reached the bottom, my mom called me.

"What's the rush?" I heard her call out.

"Wyatt's here!" I shouted back.

I sped through the kitchen and straight to the door.

I stopped to catch my breath before grabbing and turning the knob.

I pulled open the door, and to my surprise, Wyatt wasn't there.

I stood there, confused before poking my head out of the doorway.

I looked left and right, but he was no where to be seen.

"Wyatt?" I called out in the darkness.

After no response, I stepped into my driveway and closed the door behind me.

"Wyaaaaatt." I called out again. This time I was walking down toward the sidewalk.

"Huh." I said out loud, thinking of Wyatt's whereabouts.

I walked down the sidewalk in front of my house a few times more before going back inside.

I opened the door, then quickly closed it behind me.

I sighed softly.

I haven't written in so long, sorry guys, I just kinda lost inspiration, but I'm trying to get back into it
Written; December 4

Bon Voyage,

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