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Today was a Monday and homeschooling is something I do not want to do today. But, I have to. As a high schooler that is homeschooled I have, what feels like, extra work to do than public high schoolers. But, that's just me.

It's nice sometimes. I can stay in bed with my laptop and my pajamas still on. I also always have food right downstairs. Not a schedule.

I can hear the people next door yelling. The new neighbors I'm guessing. I decide to be nosy and see what's going on.

From what Madison told me about one of the boys, I can see who she's talking about. This time the guy has a shirt on. Not that I care about how his abs look when the sun shines on them. I really don't. I unlock the window and push it up so I can hear what they're saying.

"This box is very very fragile! I don't need you breaking every god damn thing, Grayson!" One of the guy says. I learned the other guy's name is Grayson and also has a shirt on.

"I know it's fragile and I didn't throw it or break anything, asshole!" Grayson yells back.

"You know what!" He starts walking back to the U-haul truck and takes a box. He throws it at Grayson.

From what I've heard and what I've seen, the other guy that's name is not Grayson is a really big drama queen.

"Ethan! What the fuck is wrong with you! I just told you I didn't throw your box! You probably broke mom's bowl or something!" Grayson yells.

"Now you're the one overreacting. That wasn't even moms box. It was yours. Your blankets are in it." He starts laughing. At this point, I'm lost but it's also because I didn't see the whole situation.

Grayson still looks pretty pissed, maybe embarrassed. I still think Ethan's a drama queen. I laugh quietly at how dumb these two boys are. They're so complicated. How can one person deal with two kids that act like this?

They looked miserable and sweaty. I decided to be the nice caring person I am and ask if they need any help.

"You guys need help?" I giggle. They both look up at my window and now I can see that they're twins. Well, fuck. How can one person deal with twins that act like this?

"Who are you?" Grayson asks.

"Well, I guess your new neighbor." I smile.

"Who are you?" He asks again.

"Oh, sorry, my names Claudia. I heard you two arguing. I'm asking to help." I smile.

"I don't need a therapist, Claudia." He rolls his eyes.

"Oh, no, no, I'm asking to help with you two moving in. Two can get things done but three can get it done faster." I smile.

"Whatever," Grayson sighs. "What'd you think, Ethan?"

"Come down."

11:04 am

If you're wondering why there is a random picture of Claudia, that's her outfit in this chapter. She cute she cute.


I just wanna put out that I really hope Jack shapes the fuck up because that whole thing about Madison and Jack is fucking insane. He's such an asshole. I know I don't know the whole story. I'm pretty no one does actually. But from what we all heard I can say that he is, in fact, a fucking dick head and needs a spanking. Lol. But, no, seriously, I feel like there was something about Madison that we don't know. That we don't need to know as well. It's none of our business but calling girls a slut is just embarrassing. But I can't really complain because we call guys fuckboys. Anyway, I don't know where I'm going with this but long story short jack gilinsky is an ass wipe.

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