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"I have to go," I tell Ethan, giggling remembering that just ten minutes ago I had sex for the first time with Ethan Dolan.

"Okay, just text me." He says.

"I don't like texting."

"Then call me." I nod my head and open the front door to leave. My dad's car was parked in the front of his house waiting for me.

I smile, hopping into the car.

"How was your day?" I ask.

"Claudia, your lip is bleeding." He says, turning around since there was a dead end on our street.

"Oh, it is? Hm...weird." I mumble even though I knew why it was bleeding.

"Anyway, Madison is getting out tomorrow. She looks better though."

"You went to go see her?"

"Honey, did you forget something?"

"What?" I ask, wondering if he meant something about Ethan.

"I work at the hospital." I sigh.

"Oh, right. Sorry, yeah, I forgot." I chuckle, buckling myself into the seat.

We finally pull into the hospital and it brings back memories from a few hours ago. Instead of it being a mental hospital it was a regular hospital where people give birth, have surgeries, and get better from illnesses. Madison was somewhere inside here.

"You're back." The front desk lady says, smiling. Lipstick was on her teeth and I needed to find a way to tell her. Someone needed to.

"Uh, your--you have..." I lower my head rubbing my front teeth with my finger.

"Oh," She gasps, quickly rubbing it off. "Thank you." She winks.

"No problem." I smile.

My dad guides me to her room and I can see her watching bobs burgers with apple juice. She's still the little kid she usually is.

"Hey!" Madison says, begging me for a hug. "I'm so glad I get out of this shit hole. It's been a–"

"Week," I interrupted. "Sorry, I just didn't want you to think I forgot about you," I giggle nervously. "Cause' I didn't."

Even though I totally did.

I clear my throat. "Are you going back to school when you get out?" I ask.

"Nope. I'm graduating with a broken arm." She smiles, biting her tongue.

"You happy?"

"More than happy. I don't have to go to school ever again!"

"I felt the same way when I graduated homeschool. But, I don't have many friends so it gets kinda boring."

"What about your one friend," she bites into a piece of bread. "Uh, what's his name? Oh! Ethan?"

"Oh, we're cool," I smile. "I think I should get a job."

"Please, you dad works at a hospital and your mom's works somewhere that make's a lot of money. You're fine." She giggles.

"I know but one day I'm gonna have to move out. I'm gonna need money to pay bills, get a house, buy groceries and if I want any kids. You know what's next."

"Yeah yeah." I crouch over Madison.

"I would tell you something important but my dads in here and I can't have him know this," I whisper making it more obvious than it should've been. She nods understanding.

"Well, I think there gonna do something here in a bit. You can leave if you want."

"Okay, love you."

"Love you too."

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