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the water trickles down my chest, hitting the bottom of the tub. i watch as the water runs over my breasts. ethan pushes me under the running water. pinning me to the wall. i watch as the water runs over ethan's hair. he shakes his head quickly making his hair move in all different directions.

he moves a little strand of hair out of my face.  his pretty smile flashes at me. my hand runs along his jawline, cupping it before i kiss his plump lips.

it was nice having someone like ethan. i was able to be okay with my body. i was comfortable having sex with him. it was nice loving someone as much as he loved me.

his tongue begs for entrance when his lips hit mine. i part my lips allowing his tongue to enter. his tongue explores my mouth even though he was familiar with it already.

he swirls the shampoo around his hair. the suds foaming up quickly the more his hand swirls around.

"you're so adorable." i squeal, laughing at the way he formed his hair. it was in a high mohawk and he would do a facial expression where he stuck his tongue out every so often.

"i think its crazy how someone can carry so much love for someone as much as i do for you."

a smile takes over my face. "do you really mean that?"

"of course i do."

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