Senior year, ABOUT TIME

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Frank pov

I woke up to the sound of my blaring alarm.

It was the first day of my senior year in high school, and I couldn't be more excited and aggravated.

Excited because it's my last year of school. Aggravated because I was supposed to be done with this shit a year ago.

Fuck my ability to not care and pay attention.

I lazily got dressed in my uniform before heading down the hall to do my makeup and hair. The school had a strict policy about makeup, but they've given up on me considering how many times I get detention and I won't quit wearing eyeliner.

This made the girls upset , but hey they didn't need more of a mask to make them even more fake than they already are.

I made sure the scars on my arms were also covered with concealer. They range from bruises to self-harm scars. My father was the only reason those scars were there. Some from jackasses at school who have made me feel shit about myself my whole school life. No one knew I self-harmed, I made sure the scars were invisible to anyone who saw my arms , which were usually covered by the sleeves of my uniform blazer.

After I styled my hair , I grabbed my bag , and slid downstairs on the rail. It was more fun and quick to get down the stairs like that. When I reached the bottom of the rail , and hopped off , my mom was making pancakes.

"Frank are you ready for school?"
My mother was always kind to me unlike my father. So therefore I respected her , and not my father.
Which resulted in my father beating me, it couldn't be avoided either way because he was always drunk anyway.

"Yes ma'am "

She turned to me and squeezed my cheeks.
"My baby is going to graduate this year, I'm so proud!"

"Ma the year hasn't even started, who's to say I'm not going to get held back another year"

She slapped my hand at that.
"No , your going to pass , I have faith in you my son."

That made me smile, I ate the pancakes she made because I know the school served shit. I didn't feel like starving till 7 pm later on.

"Since it's your first day of school I'm going to make you your favorite veggie pasta!"
My ma exclaimed.

I gave her a side smile , and walked out to my truck. It wasn't the prettiest of them , but it got me places.

The drive to school was silent since someone stole the car radio a few years ago, and now I just sit in silence driving.

I glanced out my window and saw kids walking to school. I never liked walking because Jersey isn't the safest place, especially Belleville.


When I parked my truck in the student parking , I was nearly trampled by the new batch of freshman. There were tons of them , I don't recall there ever being this many. I made my way through the horridness crowd of people before I came to my first class.

Chemistry II, yikes , I was going to have loads of fun this school year. I might be dead by the time graduation hits. Since the bell for class hasn't rang for class to start , I decided to look at the rest of my schedule.

2nd hour- Financial Literacy
3rd hour-BCA
4th hour-Business English
5th hour- American History
6th hour-Food and nutrition
7 hour-Speech

Eh ,its not the worst set up , but I have no free periods this year. I sighed and neglected to listen to the teacher introduce herself.

The rest of the day dragged on very slowly , except for when it came to lunch. I sat alone because I was to lazy to go find my friends. Unlike the rest of the current day , lunch unfortunately flew by all to fast.


It was finally 7th hour, HALLILUAH , the day was finally almost over.

I took a seat in the farthest possible corner ,the teacher had yet to arrive ,but I knew he or she was about to give a boring lecture about themselves.

The bell rang and still no teacher, hmm wonder what was taking them so long.

As if on queue with my thoughts , the speech teacher walked in. I had never seen this teacher before but I wish I had. He had raven black hair that was near his shoulders, beautiful hazel eyes  , and a soft look that said 'I want to be your friend'.

"Good afternoon class , My name is Mr. Way , and I'll be your speech teacher till May."

Mr. Way , hmm I like that. I took a look at his hand as best I could from the place I was at, and he appeared to have no wedding ring.

I instantly regretted sitting in the farthest possible spot.

"I'm going to call roll , so please pay attention"he stated as though he was a broken record that that had said the same thing multiple times in the day.

"Louis Blanchard?"
"Josh dun?"
"Haley guy?"
"Frank Ear-oh?"
I smirked instantly.
"It's Eye-ear-oh, and over here , sir"

I drug the word 'sir' out in a bit of a sexual way.

Me and Mr.Way made eye contact for a moment before he continued with the roll.

After he finished he proceeded to explain what the class was about and what we would be doing.

When he finished and asked for questions I instantly raised my hand.

"Yes Mr. Iero?"

"Is there limits to what words we can use during our speeches?"

"No profanity is my only rule because after all speech is about expressing your opinion or giving information on something."

I nodded my head to show I understood. He handed out papers with our first speech assignment , it was 'favorite things' this was going to be fun.


I returned home that evening in hopes in going to a gay strip club later. I had turned 18 nearly a year ago , and have still yet to go to one. I ate my dinner , and headed back to my room to prepare.

I made sure I looked good because I had all the intention of getting laid tonight. I had on a black leather jacket , combat boots , ripped black jeans and a misfits tee shirt.

I looked emo as hell but I looked pretty good.

I double checked to see if the concealer still covered my scars and bruises. After making sure that they did I proceeded to leave my bathroom back into my room.

I looked out my door and saw the downstairs lights off , which meant my parents went to bed.

I closed my door and opened my window. There was a tree next to my window which granted me access to sneak out whenever I liked.

I hoped into my car making sure I had condoms and lube with me. Then pulled out of the driveway, and proceeded to the nearest gay strip club.

I hope to god none of you know who Louis blanched is,, anyway how was that?
Please let me know.

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