ch.5 love in the air :>

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Chara awoke in a bed she didn't know, with further thinking she released she was in the lab, a place she hadn't been in a long while. She opened her eyes to Frisk leaned over her stareing at them. "It worked..." Frisk said quite. Chara realised what they ment. A smile grew and Frisks face before Chara exclaimed " IT WORKED!!" she uncontrollably smiled and even leaked a few tears of joy. She then popped up from the bed and hugged Frisk, this coused blood to rush to Frisks fase amidietly. Though she noticed Chara didnt mention it. After time Frisk and Chara thanked Alphys but asked if she wouldn't mention it just yet. Chara struggled at first to walk but slowly figured it out. As the now two were making their way to the barrier Flowey popped up from the soil in front of them. " Well, well, well..."  He said before opening his eyes and freezing with a face of sheer horror. " Are you okay... Mr.Flower?" Chara said as Flowey stared. "Ch-cha... how? Ddd- does mom know?!" Chara looked confused before finally saying "Azzy, is" Chara began to cry while Frisk just stood there confused. " ...Who!?" The flower yelled before leaving in an instant. Chara then sat and crossed her legs. All that was herd was monsters in the distance, Frisk then sat across from her. "Are you okay?" Chara then just looked Frisk straight in their eyes. " I let my hate... my anger and pride fester and when I wanted to help them after all Azzy did for me.." Frisk stared in her crimson eyes as tears welled up in them. Chara then looked at frisk before barley being able to make a sentence choked out the words "Why did you save me? Your soul is so important and you gave it to a murderer?" Frisk was at first taken back. "Because... Your worth it!" Chara then blushed but before she could say anything frisk then said " Your strong, forgiving, and kind! Of all the things you are a murderer isn't one! I corrupt you and murdered them my self. You deserve to live more than me!" Frisk took Chara by the hand before saying again "Because YOU are worth it!" Chara then just looked at frisk and weakly smiled. Then as her and Frisk got up Chara had a thought that make her blush uncontrollably. " Frisk is so cute I swear!" This coused her to go back and forth with her self before Frisk broke the silence "Are you okay?" Chara looked at them unsure and said  "uh, yeah of course. Thanks for talking to me but I don't want you to blame your self!" They shrugged as they headed to the castle. When they entered Chara looked super nervous. She sat to tie her shoe when Frisk sat across from her. " Cc-can I be honest?" Chara wondered what this was about so she nodded. "I.. like you Chara, alot." Frisk said before blushing ammensly. Chara looked at Frisk for a while. She was waiting for Frisk to just say kidding or something else, but it didn't seem like something Frisk would do. "Even after I killed them?" Chara said sure Frisk wouldn't ever want to date her. Frisk sighed and said"of course! I understand it you don't feel the same but you don't have to lie to me. We can still be..." Chara cut frisk off mid sentace with a kiss that soon Frisk melted into.

A smol bit of fluff today. I want to finish the quest in the underground soon so I can continue the story. I want to warn you guys that following chapters will have some things like
-mention of suicide
-talk of murder
-and other messed up shit

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