Ch.7 An End and a New Start

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As Chara was let down by sans Frisk stayed mad. As they walked to the door Frisk just looked back at him and glared. "Thanks for talking to him, he is kinda right though." Chara said as she opens the door. "HE DIDN'T KNOW THE WHOLE STORY!"  Frisk shouted. "Yeah I know I know!" As they enterd the throne room they see asgore him self. Suddenly Chara fells her eyes watering as she runs to the king. "DAD, IT'S ME!"  She cried as she hugs the man. "Mm-my child, is it true? I lost you?" Chara hugged him as Asgore smiled a few tears of joy falling. Frisk smiled before Chara than began to introduce them. "This is Frisk, they saved me and gave me half of their soul. Please don't here them father!" The king smiles as he bends down to the humans level. "Hello my child, Thank you vary much for saving my daughter." Frisk smiled and shrugs as they say "No biggie, I would do it again." Then Toriel suddenly opens the door. "Asgore of you hurt that child I swear I'll.." She then saw Chara. Chara looks at her mother trying to block images of hurting her leaving only good memories. "Mom I.. I'm sorry I didn't come to you sooner" she said. "That doesn't matter now dear!" she said "Your alive and well... How?" Chara smiled as she summens her soul. It was a darker red than frisks and was a half heart instead of the full heart shape of a soul. Her mother watched in awe. Chara then walked to her mother hugging her as hard as possible without herting her. "I don't know if you guys could forgive me after all, it is probably my fault... And I'm sure you would rather have Azzy here than me." Toriel then once again hugged the child saying " No matter what you are my child. Having you again is a blessing!" Chara smiled then walked to Frisk. Suddenly the room filled with people. Then when undyn walked in she smiled and hugged Frisk "hey punk, who is your.. CHARA?!? " Chara turned to the fish lady "Undyn?!" Chara walked to her. "Punk, I thought we lost you? I should have known the great Chara wouldn't stay dead!!" Chara the summend her soul again as she pointed to Frisk and said "Id still be 14 ft. Under if it wasn't for Frisky bits here!" Frisk then rolled their eyes sarcasticly as at the name. Suddenly sans appered in the group. He walked to Frisk but then Frisk purposely moved away from him. He then began to talk to Toriel and later in the conversation Chara realised and walked over "Hey mom..." Sans cut her off fast. "MOM?!?" Toriel giggled and said " yes sans, Chara is my daughter!" Sans tried to play it cool and say " oh.. Cool. " Chara then flashed an evil smile twords sans. Suddenly the Flower popped up from the ground. "Hey it's the flower guy!" A monster said." Sans then saw him and as he went to spawn a bone everyone but Chara and Frisk were trapped in vines. Flowey then laughs, leaving every person confused. "You damn weed!" Sans exclaimed. Flowey laughed at him and looked tword frisk as they sent a vine flying at them. "Frisk no, what do you want!?!" Chara yelled. Flowey then began squeezing the vine around Frisk while they slowly began losing hp. Only if Frisk picked up the damn knife! Chara thought as she ran tword Flowey. Before she could do anything about Frisk she was in a battle with the flower. " B E T T ER  H U R R Y!" Flowey said before showing Chara Frisk had 1 HP. She began to run at him with the stick before he began to show all the souls. He fused them to his broken soul and became something else, someone who could tear Chara limb by limb and she wouldn't fight him. He was Asriel, he then looked Chara in the eyes before saying " Chara is it really you? Don't worry it's me... Your best friend!" Then he turned into his boss form and proclaimed "IT IS ME....
A S R I E L   D R E E M U R R!" Chara for a moment looked in awe at her brothers new form. He then began sending stars at her witch she blocked easy. Then he smiled and said " well you should know Chara dear... It is to late for that friend of yours!" Chara looked at him, eyes wide. She fell to her knees as thoughts like "you idiot", "you could have saved her", and "you just sat and watched." She the lost all feeling but pain. She had failed to save the most important people to her, the people that saved her. She screamed out no. Tears covering her face, she failed them. Chara had failed to save everyone. With no hope Chara only could do one thing she stood up with a tear stained face. Her soul turned black as she smiled she was empty, numb to it all. Her eyes turned to nothing but black abyss. Her smile reached ear to ear. She summoned a knife glowing red and burning. " Greetings Asriel, I am CHARA a demon like no other, one who comes when beacond. I see you were mistaken because I AM THE ONE IN CONTROL... AND YOU ARE NOTHING MORE THAN A POST SOUL TO BE REAPED!" He laughed as Chara floats above him as she holds her knife tight. "YOUR NOTHING BUT A SAD HUMAN!" Asriel said less confident. Chara just laughed as she holds out a hand and puts the hot knife across it. It burns a big mark across her hand and she smiles. Asriel shoots stars left and right and she dogged them all. She summos more knifes.
Frisk p.o.v~
I am at  .1 HP. I'm at my end, I doubt I can go to my save point. I'm over, it's all fuzzy and all I can hear is a distant yell from Chara. I will miss them all, when I jumped I had no one. Now I had a love, friends, family. I'm happy to go now. I got to enjoy the things I didn't have. Then it all goes dark as I smile. I died, done....
Chara  all of them!
They care
I could help
We could have a life above ground!
But like that my soul shatters

°~But it refused~•°

"Thinking of a life with them all fills you with DETERMINATION!"

I got up my fusion still blurry as I see Chara flying?! And Asriel but all crazy and tall? I sat up a but sore. I began to walk tword her. Pain shot up in down my leg but I'll be fine. I continue slowly.

Third person~

Asriel and Chara continue to fight both growing weary but still keeping it up. Then all of a sudden Chara still numb and dark hears something and freezes. "CHARA!" Frisk shouts now running tword Chara. Chara looks down as she starts feeling her love for  Frisk again she cries out as her eyes return and her smile shrinks. Frisk looked at her for scratchs and marks and sees the burn. "Are you okay?" Frisk says concerned. "I'm fine! BUT YOU? you were DEAD!?" Frisk simply shrugs and smiles. Chara gave up and simply ran tword her and hugged her. "I'm sorry I let you die!" Chara said tears running down her face. Frisk began to cry as she said "You don't even know how much you saved me, were unstoppable." She smiled and even got Chara to laugh. Frisk and Chara then approached Asriel and save everyone. Using Frisks social skill and Charas past memories they easily could do it. After they did Asriel smiles as he brakes the barrier. Then he says his good byes but frisk didn't take his crap. "Frisk what are you doing?" Chara said looking at frisk who was lifting Asriel up. Frisk says "I'm not letting him stay and suffer!" Chara agrees as she grabs the goat boy and lifts him up. " Azzy you really think you can just stay here while I enjoy life above ground?" She said. " I don't deserve it! I killed Frisk and nearly killed you" he said as they carried him along. "As I remember I promised a smol goat boy some stars." She said smiling at him being flustered. His eyes lit up by the word stars but he couldn't. " No I will be a dumb flower again." He said huffing. Chara set him down and looked him in the eyes "Azzy, I can't leave you to rot down here! You of all people deserve this! Well figure a way to fix it." She smiled and used puppy eyes to get him to do it. Finally he shrugs and says "Fine! But you guys what..." His eyes began to well with tears " what if I hurt you! I freaking killed Frisk!" Chara hugged him and said " There is nothing you can do to make me hate you!" Then Frisk says " yeah! Asriel your a good kid!" He half smiles and says "thanks you guys!" They three head to the barrier and walk up close to it. Azzy sticks his hand out to make sure it is all real. They all step out and they fell the sun and the wind like nothing else before. Asriel runs to his parents and hugs them, they explain everything and he apologizes for every thing. Alphys said that she would go back with undyn to the lab and see what she can do. Pap and metta start to flirt (witch makes sans VERY uncomfortable. Toriel tells the two that they were camping out until a plan is devised. Frisk gets an offer from asgore as ambassador. Frisk quickly excepts and asgore gos with toriel to the lab to be with their sun. This left sans, Frisk, and Chara out there. Sans had made up with Frisk and they were joking again. The Frisk walks to Chara and hugs her "You know I never missed the sun, but now I wonder why. It's so nice."  Then the two stand in the sun's embrace. They kiss and it lasts a while before sans comes over asking to talk to Chara in private. "Hey kiddo, I just want to say I'm sorry and I don't expect a friendship but let's just not kill each other" Chara looked at him and noded. His eye the began to glow "But if you hurt Frisk or anyone else for that...." Chara then giggled "Is that the best you got comedian?" Everything turned black as she smiled." Your tricks don't work on me, I'm not scared of you. Got that!?" Sans got nervous but kept cool. "Hey kid I'm just sayin..." She cut him of again. " You of all people have no room to talk! Mister you don't think I saw it all?!" He looked at her, she was furious. "Pardon?" He said confused. "What about last run! Frisk gained control for seconds and when you said you forgave her? THEN YOU SENT BONES THROUGH HER BODY?!" sans was silent. "She was so depressed and afraid, even as I was corrupted I wanted to save her from that. Sure im a killer but I wouldn't do that to a person in her case corrupt or not!" Sans began to talk when Chara said " As for you killing my brother across infinite  timelines? Yeah I found that out too!" Sans finally said "he was a flower and he kept resetting and killing!" Chara laughs once more. "Well I don't give a damn, sans I could kill you whenever but it seems you grew on my mom and Frisk likes ya so I'll leave you alone for now." She smiled and waved as she left and joined Frisk. They joined hands as they walked to the camp in the process of being set up.

Woah 2012 words and I'm tierd hope you enjoy and are excited for above ground life!! XD

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