In spite of your actions

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"  Heh, am I not  the best green gem you know, Steven?" 

It was Green Zircon, the fusion of the two Zircon gems - Yellow Zircon and Blue Zircon. This was their weapon and their pride of freedom to prove to their leader they're not just a lawyer gems.  

Green Zircon was overconfident gem who enjoy and craved praise. Green was also very intelligent and hated to loss a argument. Behind all that, Green Zircon is a fusion that could be easily broken if you play your cards right. Both Zircons wanted to fix that ever since a encounter with a Snake skin Jasper far back.

" Green Zircon, I can't pick over my friends." Steven replies to the Green fusion that is happily juggling rocks in front of them. It was one of those day that all the gems go out, far way from the humans to practice their fusion skills.

" Steven likes the original green gem, me. " Peridot says, while pointing to herself.  She didn't really like Green Zircon but still tried to due to her being made gems she did like.

" Someone like you? Ha!" Green Zircon Laughs then suddenly stops juggling the rocks. The fusion placing them down to sit beside Peridot.

" Very funny. " She turns away from the fusion and walks away. Green Zircon frowns and quickly gets up follows her. She know she fucked up.

" Awww, you know I am just playi-"  The fusion begins but was cut off by the other green gem.

" It's always you. YOU never care about nothing but yourself." She begins as she continues to walk away " Why are you so, so ignorant!"

The fusion sighs and Peridot turns to face the fusion again., " Look, your just- , " the green fusion began but  then one side of the fusions eyes narrowed and blurted out,

 " WHY ARE YOU SO SENSITIVE!" Green Zircon gasps and begins to bicker with it's self.

Peridot frowns and walks away from the bickering fusion. She was done and didn't want talk see that fusion ever again. 

" That's way Yellow's fault, I am so sorry.!" Peridot turned again to see Blue Zircon running towards her. eridot sighs and stops walking. She didn't know if this blue gem was telling the truth, she still found fusion so weird and confusing. She was told and experienced when fused, you become a whole different gem.

"L-look forgive me for Yellow Zircon's behavior..." Blue Zircon begins but Peridot cuts her off.

" How do I know you're telling the truth?" Peridot says while crossing her arms and looking at the tall blue gem, " I don't believe you.

" When our fusion gets unstable, we being to separate. I swear on my gem that it wasn't me." Blue Zircon pleaded. Blue Zircon seemed to be getting desperate, what could the blue gem do?  Peridot is a very close friend and would hate for her to not trust her.

That when Yellow Zircon walks up behind Blue Zircon. She grins one-of- her grins at glares at peridot. " It was me. Anything negative towards you  or Crystal Gems will always be by me...."

" Can you stop it, Yellow." Blue Zircon whips around to face her now, annoying partner. Even thought she had a thing for Yellow, she wasn't going to put up with her making fun of the Crystal gems. " I swear, I will never fuse with you again if you don't quit it."

" Why do you have to be friendly towards them? We have been here for only 2 months and you seems to put your full-blown trust into these gems!" Yellow shot back. " You're so stupid."

Blue Zircon blinks and grabbed Peridot hand and stepped away from Yellow. She was going to do something out of her comfort zone, fusing with a different gem. 

" Fuse with me, Peri..." Blue whispered as she turned to Peridot. The small green gem gasps bit, Blue Zircon never asked any other gem to fuse with her. However, she nodded towards Blue and she began to dance with Blue.

" W-What are you doing!" Yellow Zircon began to freak out. Her partner was fusing with someone else. Was it to spite her? All Yellow Zircon could do was stand and watch both gem dance and fuse into another large gem.

" W-who are you? Yellow managed to speak out. She wasn't sure if she was too furious or scared of the fusion.

The fusion looked down at the tiny, shivering yellow gem and laughs.

 " Why dear, My name is Labradorite. "

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