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AU- Oh wow, just some cuddles and worries of the future.Did I actually write something? Oh shit-

 "Ugh, I didn't think gemling were so clingy!"

Yellow whined out loud as she sat on the counter as she watched Blue do the dishes quietly. She wasn't mad at the gemlings, but she was a bit emotionally tired. She swung her legs back and forth nervously.

" You are their carrier, they are going to be naturally attached for awhile longer. A-Also, be quiet, they are sleeping." Blue whispered, glancing towards Yellow before continuing with the dishes.

Yellow didn't hate them, far from that. She loved to be able to drown them in her love, however her carrier over-protective instincts was now wearing off and she was slowing returning to her old, less affectionate self.

Yellow was never really into full blown affection and only really got use to Blue's touch after 3,500 plus years. It really bugged her that she was like this. Though it wasn't always like that.

Yellow sighed. " I don't know why, you seem better fit for the job. " The yellow gem played with a strand of her loose hair. She usually didn't really keep her hair completely nice anymore. She liked it loose. " Like, you could pass off as a super cool, protective human mother."

" You're great at you job, believe me. "Blue chuckled. She was finished with her dishes and was now drying her hands. She turned towards Yellow who now playing with her hands nervously.

Blue knew deep down that's Yellow didn't believe she was fit at all. Yellow always have doubted herself since the gemlings were born. Blue know better, she knew Yellow could do good and Yellow will continue to improve with the help of her.

Though ever since Yellow was cured from her corruption accident, her insecurities showed more often. It reminded her older self ,so she could relate to Yellow more than ever.

Blue grabbed Yellow's hand softly and grinned when Yellow looked up. " Hey, maybe we can get some T.V snuggle time in before the gemlings wake up?"

She thought of an idea to cheer her up.Yellow's face lit up to Blue's relief and Yellow finally smiled.

" Yeah."


They both snuggles together on the couch for what felt like hours, Mindless watching whatever seemed to peek even a little bit of interest. It was nice just to sit quietly and listen to the rain hitting the windows.

Blue loved this and glad everything was alright. The Diamonds weren't hostile and were trying to make a difference as far as she heard, every gem that was corrupted was mostly healed and everything on Home World was finally changing. Still, something was still kinda bugging Blue, something she was afraid to mention to Yellow again.

She remembered asking Yellow, after the final battle with the diamonds if they wanted to return home and Blue was meant was hostile remarks. It didn't help Yellow was still full on protective mode on her children, but it was still scary to experience.

At the time she just let it go, but lately it would pop up every now and then.

Blue glanced to Yellow, who must of flopped down and laid her head on her lap. Blue just noticed that she was even playing with Yellow's messy hair. She whispered ''sorry'' and pulled her hand away.

To her surprise, Yellow spoke up.

"Keep doing that...please..." Yellow mumbled, clearly enjoying what she Blue only accidental done.

" Aren't you cute." Blue teased.

" Far from it..." Yellow open her eyes slightly and turned towards Blue.

" Radiant,glowing, s-" Blueteased again but stopped when Yellow groaned and carefully pushed Blue's face away. Yellow wasn't mad as Blue, as the blue seen her cheeks darken despite it being dark in the room.

" Don't remind me of myself. I swear, I will never be a stuck up again...."

"Anyways... I want to apologize for something." Blue says without really thinking. It was just on her mind again and it slipped. " About asking to r-returning home."


Blue cringed,realizing she shouldn't bring that up right now. Yellow had developed a strong hatred for home. She didn't even really care that HomeWorld was changing. Home had hurt her and she wasn't going back.

" I-It's fine. " Yellow grumbles, then let out a sigh. "Look, I know you miss home, Blue, I just c-cant return. I changed, physically and mentally.Besides, I don't have anyone to really go back too, you are all I need."

" Yeah, I just miss home" Blue admitted.

" I understand. J-just the gemlings..." Yellow sat up so quickly and it spooky Blue. " Y-You know what would happen to them, don't you?"

"They said-" Blue reached for the now trembling yellow gem who looked frightened and scared. Yellow glared at Blue, who decided to shut up and move away.

" Gemlings were never wanted." Yellow sobbed. "They don't care about the-"

Suddenly a small cry stopped Yellow's sobbing and she and Blue looked off the couch to notice one of the gemling, watching them.

It was the yellow one. While she was still young, acted similar to a human child, however unlike human child, Gemlings were very smart on picking up cues of distress. Especially the Yellow one as she was very attached to Yellow.

Yellow gasps, apologized to the little gem and picked her up and cuddled the whimpering gemling.

" I'm sorry..." Yellow sniffled and strokes the gemlings hair slowly.

Blue soon came up behind Yellow and hugged her and pulled her over to her spot on the couch to cuddle. Yellow wasn't crying anymore and the tiny gem was happy and making all sorts of happy weird noises as Yellow continued to stroke the gemling head.

" Pft, she's is a tiny version of you. " Blue whispered.

" Shut up. Ugh, I'm so emotional..." Yellow sniffed, " I don't know how you put up with me..."

" No, I know what your getting at, you don't need to go if you don't want to. I won't force you to do anything, alright?" Blue pats Yellow's shoulder and Yellow nods.

" Thanks..."

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