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Alright so this may be confusing, but this chapter is a major time jump from the last chapter. The sections that are in italics are flashbacks, basically just explaining the important parts of the story that lead up to where they are now, such as when they kill the saviors. I hope it'll become easier to understand as you read. Let me know if it's like, really confusing lmao and i'll explain it for you guys.


The blood tasted bitter.  It rolled into my mouth in beads of sweat, despite my shivering body. His blood was everywhere. Anywhere I looked. I was covered in it. He fell onto me. Some of it was mine, but most of it was His. My hands shook as the screams around me faded.


"They what?"

"They have them. The saviours. I don't know how many-- there's probably a lot--"

"You let Maggie go with you guys? For fuck sakes-- she's pregnant!" I cut Rick off. He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. Carl walked past me and ran a hand through his hair.

"We'll find them. They're just angry that we killed their men, they won't kill Maggie and Carol." Rick nodded to himself. Glenn scoffed.

"They killed a kid, Rick! We just killed a bunch of their people, of course they wanna kill them! They wanna kill us too!" He shouted. I shook my head and walked across the room, leaning against a table. I took a deep breath and ran my hand through my hair. I knew they shouldn't have let Maggie come with them to kill the Saviors. Now they're taken, God knows what's happening to them now.

"We're getting them back. Alive." My dad said, determined. "I'm gonna do everything I need to."


"Pissing our pants yet?" He kneeled down in front of me, though my eyes were stuck on the stream of blood trailing towards me. He let out a deep, taunting chuckle as his face inched closer to me. "You should be."


"Denise died today." Dad told me. I looked up at him, the news becomming more and more common lately.

"The saviors?" I asked quietly. He nodded. I swallowed hard and nodded, licking my lips. "How?"

"They hid in the bushes. They put an arrow through her eye." His voice cracked. I sighed and rubbed my face.

"Was it because we got Maggie and Carol back?" I asked, leaning my head on my hand to look at him. He shrugged.

"I don't know." He sighed.

"Shit." I sighed. Dad nodded in agreement. These people weren't gonna stop until we were dead.


"He's dead." My voice shook. "They're both dead." I couldn't move. Maggie's sobs overpowered anybody else's. Afterall, her husband was just killed. I saw everything. I heard the bat connect to his head. I heard his last gasp for air as he tried to grab my arm.

"Maggie's sick. We think it's the baby, we don't know. There's a doctor at Hilltop. We're taking her there." Rick said. I looked past him as they carried Maggie into the RV. She was pale, sweat beading down her face as she gasped for air. She still has months to go until she was due. Whatever was happening didn't look good.

"I'm coming." I said quickly. Rick nodded.

"Hop in. It'll be a quick trip."


He laughed. As if it was some sick joke, the man laughed as he watched His victims twitching hands desperately try to grab onto me. Trying to grab anything. Trying to get help.

"She can't save you. Nobody can."


"Were surrounded." Carl breathed. I put my arm up in front of my face, blocking the bright lights. What sounded like a hundred people started whistling all around us. I looked back at Maggie, who was still laying on the makeshift stretcher, barely conscious.

"They lead us here. They knew where we were going, they blocked the roads. It was them-- the tree, the walkers--That was them." I said quickly, grabbing Carl's hand. I looked up at Rick, not having a gun for myself. He looked down at me. "You didn't kill Negan."


The sun was beginning to rise, the light giving me a clearer view of the body in front of me. He was dead. His killer stood above me, laughing.



The men each had guns drawn on us, watching our every move as we kneeled on the gravel. They had made us surrender and took our guns. They brought dad, michonne, sasha, and Glenn out of the back of a van, lining them up as well. I held Carl's hand tightly, shaking. I was scared. Terrified, actually. These were the men that killed our people. They hunted us down and slowly picked us off, one by one.

These men weren't playing around.


"Go to hell." I spat, Negan still laughing. He raised his eyebrows, the tip of a gun pressing against the back of my head. Carl let out a loud cry, moving to get up. A man grabbed his shoulders, shoving him back down and holding him still. Negan, who had stopped laughing by now, bent down to be level with me. He raised his bat, gently pressing it against my forehead. A big smirk crossed his face.

"As much as I hate killing women--especially kids-- you are just really pissing me off. Remember what happened last time your daddy pissed me off? Be a shame to have to do the same to you."


"Now, I've told you the rules. Let's meet the man of the hour, shall we?" A blond man said, turning around to face the RV in front of us. The door swung open, a man walking out. He looked at us all, sizing us up. He smirked as he walked along the line, taking time to look at each and every one of us.

"You guys are so gonna piss your pants in a minute." He chuckled, standing in front of us. He stopped walking and a smile grew on his face as he stretched his arms out, his baseball bat held tightly in his hands.

"Hi, I'm Negan."

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