Drowning in my thoughts

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OMG SO so so sorry about this really sucky chapter, it's basically just a fill in chapter and yea, it's not the best chapter I've written😂


I saw the car drive up to the prison. We all ran to the car and saw my dad, Maggie, Glenn, Michone, and Daryl, holding a wounded Melissa.

"What happened?!" I shouted, rushing over to Daryl.

"She...she-" Daryl stuttered.

"She was shot by one of Philips men." My dad answered.

"I'll go get dad..." Beth whispered before she ran back into the prison. We all followed and ran into Hershel's cell.

"Get her to the infirmary. Quick!" Hershel demanded. It was not only me, Daryl, Hershel, and Beth running to the infirmary, everyone else stayed behind.

"Set her down here. I, gonna need some space, so it would be nice if you two could step out for a bit-"

"I'm staying in here." Daryl demanded. Hershel sighed and looked at me.

"Fine. Just... Make sure she's okay... Don't let her die... Please." I sighed. Hershel nodded and I walked out of the infirmary.

"Dad... What happened?" I walked up to my dad, promising to myself that I wouldn't cry. I'm scared. I'm scared for Melissa. She must have lost a lot of blood.

"We were heading back to the car before Philip noticed us, and one of his men shot oscar , killing him... Then shot Melissa."

"What if she's dead? What do I do then?" I started to tear up. My dad hugged me and I shut my eyes, stopping the tears from flowing.

"I can't loose her, dad..."

"You really love her, don't you?" My dad asked. I nodded

"More than anything, dad. I love her." I whispered.

"Rick, Judith won't s-" carol started walking up to dad.

"I better go..." Dad whispered.

"Rick!" She yelled. "You can't keep avoiding your child... You're supposed to be the leader, you can't keep running off."

"I just... Gotta go." Dad walked off, leaving Judith with carol.


"Carl! Carl! Wake up!" Beth yelled. I opened my eyes and sat up on my bed.


"Melissa's awa-" before she could finish, I jumped up and began to rush out of my cell, to the infirmary.


Melissa's POV

I slowly opened my eyes. It took a whiled for my eyes to adjust to the light of this room.

"Melissa..." My dad's voice echoed through my ears.

"D-dad? W-where am I?" I asked, still not able to see clearly.

"In the infirmary. You were shot back at Woodbury." He whispered. I began to sit up slowly, but my arms wouldn't move. I turn my head and saw that I was handcuffed to the cot.

"Please take this off... I wanna get up..." I whispered, slowly turning so that I was facing my handcuffed arm. I heard someone run into the room.

"Melissa!" Carl yelled. I turned my head and saw Carl walking up to me. My dad took the handcuff off of me and I turned around as Carl engulfed me in a huge hug.

"I thought I lost you" he cried.

"You can't get rid of me that easily." I smiled through my tears. I heard him slightly chuckle, and hug me tighter. I buried my face in his shoulder.

"Here, help me stand up-"

" you can't... You have to be put on strict bed rest for the next few days..." My dad mumbled.

"What? Philip is gonna attack! and I'm gonna be stuck in this bed?!"

"Philip won't attack. He has no more men, he can't." He assumed.

"Do you really believe that?!" I yelled, though my voice was hoarse from the pain going through my body from the gunshot.

"He's gonna come back, Daryl," Michone and the rest of the group walked in a couple minutes earlier. "He won't stop until we're all dead."

"Your fathers right, Melissa... You can't hurt yourself any more than you are now. If Philip comes back, you need to be well rested and healed." Hershel spoke up.

"When Philip comes back." I rolled my eyes and laid my head on the wall behind me.

"Can you please just... Leave... For a bit, guys?" The group nodded and everyone walked out of the infirmary. Everyone except Carl, which I'm glad. I wanna spend time with him, because he's the only one not annoying me right now.

"I'm gonna stay in here with you until you can get out."

"Thanks... But I'm not staying in here, I really wanna get to my cell... But I can't, because I can't walk." I sighed. Carl smirked.

"What?" I asked. He didn't say anything. He scooped me up in his arms, bridal-style and carried me out of the infirmary.

"What are yo-"

"Relax, he's just taking me to my cell. Jeez" I interrupted my dad.


Carl brought me into my cell and gently laid me on my bed.

"I feel fine. I don't get why I can't walk. It would be different if I had to have a surgery, but all I needed was some stitches and a blood transfusion. They treat me as if I was at deaths door. I can't sand it."

"They just wanna make sure you're alright-"

"Carl, come here for a sec!" Rick yelled from the cafeteria. I sighed as he walked out of my cell, looking annoyed, and leaving me alone, drowning in my thoughts.

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