2. Im a dixon

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A weight seemed to float off my shoulders when I finally arrived at the military. I hoped my dad would be there with Kayla and her family. That we'd all be together.

I ran up to the military base, but something was wrong.

There were those monsters everywhere. My eyes went wide as I stared at the lifeless people walking around. My eyes watered.


I felt tears roll down my face as I walked away from the camp. Everyone in there must be dead.

What do I do now? What else is there to go to?

I'm Melissa Dixon. I can figure something out. Daryl Dixon is my father and he's the toughest man I know... What would dad do?

"The CDC!" I yelled. I jumped up and ran. I made my way into the downtown area of the city, sneaking through the streets. I turned a corner and was met with a huge group of the dead ones.

"Agh, shit!" I whispered. I ran in the other direction. I ran into one and it toppled me onto the ground. I screamed and tried to push it off me, but he was too heavy. It's teeth were dangerously close to my face and I had nothing to do. I grabbed a piece of shattered glass and stabbed it into its neck. It didn't stop. My eyes went wide and I screamed, stabbing it again, still not giving up. I squeezed my eyes shut and sent the glass into his head, finally feeling him stop and fall onto me. I felt my chest tighten, realizing what I just did, but I quickly pushed the dead-again man off of me and stood up.

I looked down at the man I had killed, feeling sick. I looked down at my bloody clothes and hunched over, puking. I wiped my mouth and stood up straight, grabbing my things. I felt tears fall down my face at the thought of what I just did.

"I'm sorry." I whispered before looking at the other dead that were rushing to get to me. I took one last look at the dead man and ran.

Daryl's POV

I drove home as fast as possible. I heard about the outbreak and I still left Melissa alone.

I pulled up to the house and ran inside, my heart pounding.

"Melissa!" I screamed. I ran upstairs and downstairs but she wasn't there.

"Melissa!" I screamed once more. I slammed my fist on the wall and ran into the kitchen. There was a piece of paper laying on the table. I picked it up and read it.

Daddy, I'm going to Atlanta. Kayla said it's safe there. I hope you find me soon. I'm sorry I'm leaving, but I can't stay here. I love you, daddy. Please find me.

"Shit!" I yelled. Atlanta is infested with the outbreak. I hurried and grabbed my crossbow and ran out of the house. I hopped on my motorcycle and drove to Atlanta.

(In Atlanta a few days later)

I found a group in the mountains. I'm staying with them. I haven't found Melissa yet and I don't think I am. I feel really bad for leaving her. Now she's probably dead or on her own out there.

"They're back!" Dale yelled. I looked and saw Glenn driving in front of a truck. Everyone who went on a run to the city came out of the truck. But something was different.

There was no Merle, and there was a sherif walking out of the drivers seat.

"DAD!" Carl yelled. Carl and Lori ran to the new guy and hugged him. I waited to see if anyone else would walk out of the truck, but nobody did.

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