Chapter 9: "Seriously guys, we're gonna have to pay for that lamp"

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The room froze all eyes transfixed on Amanda.

The boys just stared at Amanda.

No-one could quite process what had just happened except for Namjoon, Amanda, Becky, Jimin and Elissia.

Jimin and Elissia had instantly separated.

Unlike the majority of the room they knew they had cause the erratic outburst.

Jimin felt a deep burrowing in his stomach. He didn't want this reaction to happen and he especially didn't want to hurt her.

"Think it just got a bit noisy out here, we'll just go in here and clean up the hand, as you were," Becky said ushering Amanda into the bathroom to clean up her hand.

Amanda sat down on the edge of bath not saying a word, tears still falling down her face.

"Amanda, it wasn't real, they were faking it, please believe me, Jimin was testing to see if you would get jealous and Elissia..."

"No, he clearly likes Elissia," Amanda spat turning her face away to try and conceal the tears.

"No, it's not you don't understand, oh if Namjoon hadn't stopped me, I could have stopped this," Becky sighed, pulling out paper and soaking it to clean up Amanda's hand.

"Oh, how could she? She knows what Jimin means to me!"

Elissia was staring out the window. That had backfired far worse than she could have ever imagined.

Namjoon walked over to her.

"Hey, you okay?" he asked sympathetically, he could tell she was fighting back the tears.

"Yeah, I just, I didn't mean to upset Amanda, I was just scared they would, never mind," she regretted realising who she was talking to.

"That they would find out you like Jungkook," Namjoon whispered watching her horrified expression.

"No...I... I don't why would you think that?" She whispered back sounding scared.

"Don't worry I won't say anything, I promise."

Luke sat down on the sofa very confused why seven Korean people were in the suite with them.

"Zabrina, what's going on?" He asked looking around at all the different faces.

"Oh, Amanda and Becky met them on the train, it's the band they're always talking about BTS," She said reassuringly watching the boys come over to greet the newest member to the room.

"Amanda, please listen to me, I know you're upset and you have every right to be but I'm saying it wasn't real, he was trying to see if you would be jealous and she's trying to cover the fact she is a fan and likes Jungkook," Becky pleaded, it was like the train all over again.

"No, he doesn't, I don't know what the hell she was thinking but he clearly doesn't think of me in that sense.

God, I can't believe I actually thought we were flirting earlier, as if there could ever be sparks between us, and now he's going to think I'm just some crazy fan, I can never leave this room," Amanda cried, the tears beginning to flood back into her eyes.

Becky sighed, the stubbornness levels of this girl were off the charts.

"You can, I'm telling you it's fake, it didn't mean anything I know it hurts but Jimin did it for you in some twisted way and Elissia is just covering her liking Jungkook, you need to believe me!" Becky said almost agitated.

"No, I don't believe you, he doesn't think of me like that and Elissia couldn't possibly be a fan without us knowing. It's impossible!" She snapped back.

She knew Becky was just trying to help but lies weren't going to help.

Everyone glanced towards the bathroom.

"All they ever seem to do is fight? Are they really friends?" Yoongi asked the guys in Korean.

"It's usually about us to right? Maybe we are making things worse still being here right now?" Tae asked, the thought he had upset Amanda made him feel really down.

He hated upsetting anyone.

Before anyone could respond Becky came out of the bathroom to the eyes of everyone in the room. She froze for a moment, she had almost forget they would all still be there.

"She's okay, it's a small cut on her hand, she's going to be okay," Becky exclaimed, "she'll be out in a sec." Namjoon smiled which instantly fell when Becky didn't return it.

He hadn't meant for it too seem like a ploy. He really did think she was beautiful and he had to explain it to her.

"She can be very dramatic sometimes," Zabrina said absentmindedly earning a swift elbow in the side from Luke. This wasn't the time for sarcasm.

Becky walked to the kitchen area to grab a plaster from the first aid box.

"Hey, can I talk you about before?" Namjoon said, walking over to her. She avoided his hand and his eyes. She knew if she looked into them she would be transfixed to the floor.

"I've got to help Amanda," she said walking away but paused only for a moment.

It felt horrible not waiting to hear what he had to say said but seeing him still stung right now.

"Amanda, everyone is waiting to see if you're okay you have to come out of the bathroom. Just avoid Elissia and Jimin for now and we'll deal with it all later okay? But you can't just stay here" Amanda sighed, she knew she was right.

She cleaned her face up and took a deep breath in.

"Hey guys, I'm sorry, I just had a freak out moment, I'm sorry," Amanda said, looking at each of them almost begging for forgiveness.

"As long as you're okay?" Jin offered her a reassuring smile which the other boys quickly followed with.

She paused when she reached Jimin, she couldn't look at him.

It hurt too much.

She locked eyes with Elissia who quickly looked away.

The atmosphere had turned awkward and everyone looked down for a moment.

Luke, unaware of what had unfolded previously said, rather shortly, "seriously though guys, we're going to have to pay for the lamp."

The first laugh came from Zabrina which quickly spread around the room.

Perhaps it was the pressure of the silence or the emotions release from the previous situation but soon they were all laughing.

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