Chapter 3

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As we started driving through the neighborhood, we could hear the loud music playing and feel the bass thumping all throughout our bodies.

When we arrived at the party house, the lights, music, and thumping of the bass became increasingly brighter, louder, and more intense.

Allie was the first one who stepped out of Todd's truck.

"Woohooo! C'mon, lets go inside!" she said as she tried to yell over the booming music. We all walked into the house together. Sydney and I stayed close to eachother and made sure we wouldn't be separated.

"Alright, Bree. This is it, we're finally gonna do it!" Sydney said while interlocking her arm with mine.

I laughed and Sydney and I exchanged nervous looks.

"I know! I never thought it would happen! C'mon, lets get this over with.."

When we walked through the door, I immediately caught the stench of alcohol burning my nostrils. I searched the room for at least one or two people I knew from school, but I had no luck. Not a single person looked familiar. Crap.

"I guess it's just you and me tonight, Syd!" I said yelling over the loud music.

We slowly made our way further into the house and the decided to have a seat on a couch that smelled like beer.

"So, should we get a drink or something? I'm not really sure what we're supposed to do now that we're finally here" Sydney was always awkward and nervous in new social situations, but I couldn't imagine not feeling weird at a party like this one.

"Um, I guess we could go get some drinks if you want to..."

We both got up from the couch and it was almost immediately re-occupied by a soulmate couple making out.

"Well, looks like we lost our spot. C'mon Bree, after we find the drinks we can scope out a new place to hang out for the night."

We made our way into the kitchen, passing by a ton of teenagers with red solo cups already in hand.

I decided to drink a soda because I wasn't that into drinking alcohol just yet. Sydney grabbed a red solo cup and started to fill it up by the keg. She had never had an alcoholic drink before, but she's always told me that if she was ever going to go to a party, she would at least have one drink.

After we grabbed our drinks and made our way out of the kitchen, something near me started to glow.

Was this it? Was I finally going to find the person I would spend the rest of my life with?

I looked over and---


HEY GUYS!! (Sorry for ending with a cliffhanger)

I'm sooooooo sorry for taking this long to update!!! I've been so busy with school and extracurriculars so it's been a little crazy

Please tell me if you liked this chapter so I can continue to write!


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