Love Sick (part 1)

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-Omg.. how did I ended up here? -I asked myself sitting down on the same table as I did last time. The waitress was now a brunette guy.
-Hi, want something to drink or... are you waiting for someone? -He said kindly
-Oh, hi. No, I'm alone. I'm going to have... a margarita, please. -I said smiling
-be right back- he said quickly
-Wait! -ai almost yelled. He turned back- Is.. Is Christopher Drew going to sing today?
-Oh... -He said in surprise-He hadn't confirmed yet, so we're not sure.
-Oh, right. Thanks.
-You're welcome. -he said walking to the bar.
why did I have to listen to Helen?

-So... what are you gonna do? -Helen asked
-I don't know... I... I miss Chris - I said so sad
-Really? It has been a year! You didn't  have your feelings changed? -Jackie claimed
-I just don't know what to do.... I-I think I still love Chris... but now Evan... Evan is like... the perfect man -I said feeling so much pressure
-I know... but you have to make a good decision... -Helen said
-How about.. talking again with Chris? -Josseline said suddenly
-What? I-I don't know if I can do that -I said suddenly scared
-Whats the matter? If you're two still in love, then... he will understand and... I don't know. You two just need to talk. -Helen convinced me.
-Christopher has changed a lot... He's not the same guy a year ago... -Josseline said
-I know, everyone of us has changed.. -I said whipping my tears off
-I know. But he's... strange now. -aJackie said- He doesn't talk, he... he just work, then go to the bar and then go home.
-He... he has slept with so many girls this year.. -Helen said awkwardly
-What..? -I asked
-He's not the same, Ciara... -Josseline said

I was about to go when Chris entered the bar. I covered my self with a magazine I just bought outside. He walked behind the scenario and started getting all the stuff connected.

-Here's your drink -the guy said.- And there's the guy you were asking for -He said jokingly
-Thanks... for both-I said smiling
-No problem... -He said politely- Is he your... crush? -He asked talking a seat.
-Hmm... it's.. complicated -I said blushing
-I see.. Okay, sorry for bothering you -he standing up
-Oh, no. It  didn't bothered me. It's just that... Its a long story and... it hurts -I said sadly
-Oh, sorry. I did not... I... -He said looking around - I'm going to get you something.
And he left trough the door behind the bar.

-Hi, everyone. Today's son is called "Lovesick" -Chris said suddenly. I looked at him. He had dark circles and he was smoking also. He took the guitar once he finished his cigarette and starting playing.
He seemed so concentrated but suddenly, he looked at the audience.. like he was searching for someone.
-Here -the guy of the bar said. He lend me a mug, with hot cocoa and a marshmallow.
-Thank you so much. -I said taking a zip
-Hmmm... seems that Chris already found you... -He said looking at the scenario.
I looked a side, there he was, still playing but not singing. He looked me in the eyes. I know he was reading my face. I don't know how I looked, but he seemed so sad of what he saw.

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