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The Andrews family^^^^^

"Morning mom. Morning dad." I say as I entered the kitchen.

I frown when I saw nobody there.

"Mom? Dad?" I called out. No response.
"Mom? Dad? Where are you guys?" I ask a little louder.

I waited a couple minutes for a response. Nothing. I flinched when I heard whispers in the living room. I slowly tiptoed towards the voices jumping when my family comes out from behind the couch.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY CASSIDY!!!" my family yelled.

Jenna (my little sister) looked confused. I mean it is 8:00 in the morning and she is only 3. Dylan (my little brother) walked up to me handing me a cute box with a little red bow on it.

I take a deep breath calming myself down and gave him a smile.

"Here Cass. I got you a necklace." He said looking at the ground kinda shyly. I surprised him by giving him a big hug and kissing him on the cheek.

"Thank you so much Dylan!" He smiled back at me. I opened the box seeing that it was a little heart charm with the word family engraved on it. My family is everything to me. I don't know what I would do without them.

I'm so excited for today.

Today is my 15th birthday.

"CASSY!!!" Jenna cried out. I laughed taking her out of my moms hands holding her in my own. I poke her nose and she giggles.

"Happy birthday honey. I can't believe my baby girl is 15 already." My mom said kissing me on the top of my head. Tears welled up in her eyes as she looked down at me and smiled.

"Mom don't cry again. You cry every year." I say rolling my eyes and letting out a little laugh.

"I know. I just can't believe it. My little baby is growing up." She says taking a hold of dad's hand. I glance over at him noticing his chuckle from mom as well.

"Happy birthday cupcake." He says landing his hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks guys" I didn't even notice the decorative balloons and streamers everywhere. "Everything is so pretty."

"Your dad said you would like the colors. Come on kids. Let's go eat breakfast." Mom said leading us to the kitchen.

Later that day......
So far today has been an amazing day. After breakfast we went to go pick up Sydney (my best friend since we were 2) and went to the bowling alley.

It was so much fun. When it was dad's turn he slipped while he tried to throw the ball. Sydney and I spit out our pop everywhere from laughing so hard.


"Alright Cassidy, me and your dad have to go pick up your cake but we'll be back by 3:00. Sydney can stay and help you watch Dylan and Jenna ok?" my mom said heading out the door.

"K mom. Bye! I love you." I called out to them. Before they shut the door I heard both mom and dad reply. I'm so thankful for them. How'd I end up with such an amazing family?

I turned to Sydney who was holding a screaming Jenna.
"Let me take her. She'll calm down in a minute." I told her grabbing Jenna and giving her the little pink pacifier.

"Hey Cassidy?" Sydney asked me.


She paused for a little before simply saying "Happy birthday" and giving me a side hug.

"Thanks." I said back.
That evening......
Mom and dad aren't back yet. I'm getting really worried. Sydney is sitting on the couch rocking a sleeping Jenna and Dylan is on the floor playing x-box.

I on the other hand, am standing by the window constantly moving the curtain to look in the driveway.

"Syd I'm getting worried. Where are they? They said they'd be back around 3:00. It's now turning 7:00. Do you think it's just traffic? Maybe they ran out of gas? Should I call th...?" I trailed off before Sydney interrupted me.

"Cass. Calm down. I'm sure they're on their way home." She reassured me.

I nodded trying to calm my breathing.

I instantly turned my head when I heard the doorbell.

I dashed towards the door and yanked it open. I saw 2 police officers standing in front of me.

"Excuse me miss. Are you Cassidy Andrews?" one of them asked me.

"Yes...?" I frowned at their presence. Why are they here?

"Hi, I'm officer Kenny and this is my partner officer Thomas. I'm terribly sorry but there has been an incident involving your parents Ben and Amber Andrews." officer Kenny tells me.

My heart starts to beat faster.


"What kind of incident?" I ask on the verge of tears.

"Well, there has been an armed robbery at Mr.Malcolm's bakery. Your parents happened to be there at the same time. The robber fired and your parents were..." he paused and looked me in the eyes.

By this time Sydney was standing by me holding my hand, while still holding a sleeping Jenna in the other.

I told Dylan to go to his room. I had a feeling he shouldn't hear what they were about to say.

"Your parents were 2 out of the 4 people that were killed tonight" the officer let out.
"I'm so sorry for your loss. Please take your siblings and come down to the station with us. We have a few questions to ask you. We'll be waiting in our car when you're ready. Take your time" he said before leaving with officer Thomas to wait in their car.

I was numb. They're lying right? They have to be. This must be some crazy birthday prank. This isn't true. This can't be true. I glance over at Sydney and saw her eyes full of tears. Tears were dripping down her cheeks one by one.

That's when I realized it was true.

That's when I broke down.

That's when I realized I will never see my parents again.
                            They are dead.

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