Chapter 2

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Why are party stores so confusing? I mean, seriously. I spent an hour looking for streamers. Although most of that hour was me trying to stop Sydney from getting distracted on what we were actually looking for.

"Ok so what are you going to say to Tyler when you see him?" Sydney asked putting a bunch of paper plates and napkins into the cart.

"We don't even know if he's coming yet." I said rolling my eyes.

"He's definitely coming. His childhood best friend is inviting him to her amazing 18th birthday extravaganza! Who wouldn't come to that?!" Sydney threw her hands up. I laughed and just kept walking. Sometimes I don't know what to do with her, she's just one special girl.

Later that day............
As we finished laying the snacks out for the party I couldn't help but think about Tyler. Him and I used to do everything together. I've never would've imagine him turning out to be the boy he is today, all bad and tough. But I do have to admit, it's kinda hot.

"Hello? Earth to Cassidy?" I snapped back into reality. Sydney was viscously shaking me. "What?" I asked. "You were thinking about Tyler weren't you?" Cassidy questioned.

"Maybe...I'm a little nervous. I mean if he does come it's going to be so awkward. I haven't seen him in a while. Do you think he even remembers me?" I was sort of freaking out over this.

"Oh calm down will ya? He's totally going to remember you. How could someone forget that beautiful smile?" Sydney said with a wink. I smiled back and blew her a kiss as she walked back inside to finish decorating. God, I'm so lucky to have a best friend like her.

"Cassy, grandma's here!" Dylan yelled. I went inside to say hi.


The party was already in full swing. Teenagers everywhere, music blaring, people jumping in and out of the pool, and surprisingly Tyler was here. We kept sharing glances at each other all evening. It was awkward.

"Should we start the fireworks now? People are already setting up their blankets and lawn chairs." Sydney said walking over to me.

"Sure, but whose going to set them off?"

"I got Brian Willing to do it. Had to pay him $20 and a date with Lucy Givens, poor girl" she said with a chuckle. I rolled my eyes.

"Alright well...let's go grab a seat before it's too late." I said laughing. I grabbed her hand and lead her to an empty spot by the pool.

The fireworks were definitely the highlight of the night. That and Tyler. After the fireworks, everyone started to leave. Sydney and I were cleaning up the party when I saw Tyler come up to me from the side.

"Hey Cassidy. Long time no see" he said smiling down at me. Wow, he's actually talking to me.

"Hey..." it got quiet, "um... thanks for coming tonight" I respond. I see Sydney come out of the house. Once she realizes what is happening she winks and heads back in. I roll my eyes and chuckle to myself. That girl gets her hopes up for no reason.

"I'm glad I came. Wouldn't miss your birthday for the world" he said. He paused before continuing, "So would you want to hang out sometime? Maybe we can catch a movie or go to that diner we'd hang out at as kids. What's it called again?" he asked snapping his fingers for remembrance.

"Lola's" I say with a shrug. "And sure, I'd love to." He smiles back at me and nods. "Cool, it's a date." He paused for a second and then reached in his pocket. "Oh and I got you something." He hands me a box with a pink bow on top.

"You didn't have to get me anything" I said blushing. He winked and turned to walk out.

As he walks away I can't help but smile and squirm with excitement. Did he just ask me out?

"Holy crap Cass!! What just happened?!" Sydney comes out running towards me. I'm sure you could see her smile from a mile away.

"I think I'm going on a date with Tyler Grey" I looked down at the box "and he gave me this."

"Awe that's so cute!! You have to open it!" Sydney said with a shocked expression on her face. I undo the bow and open the box to find a bracelet with a "C" charm and a heart charm on it. I picked up the note next to it.

Glad to be back. Missed seeing your beautiful smile. Happy birthday Cass.

I smiled to myself. It wasn't such a bad birthday overall.


Sydney and I finish cleaning up from the party and headed back to my house. I'm exhausted. I need sleep.

As we walked up to my front door I hear scrambling and whispers coming from inside. What the hell have those two done this time? I swear they are partners in crime. Grandma is probably loosing her mind watching Dylan and Jenna.

As soon as we walk in we are hit with a loud cheers of "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" and balloons everywhere.

I laugh as Dylan and Jenna run up to me and tackle me with hugs and kisses. "Oh my gosh. You guys are the sweetest!!" I hear a slight "awww..." from Sydney behind me.

"Happy birthday dear! We wanted to surprise you before the day was over. Didn't we guys?" my grandma says hugging me.

"Yeah! We even made a cake!" Dylan exclaimed. "With vanilla frosting!" Jenna added.

"Wow weren't you guys busy?" I laugh. "I have to go do something real quick but I'll be right down ok?" Everyone nods and I make my way upstairs. I can't help but feel a bit upset. My parents did the same thing on the birthday they passed away, surprise me with cake and balloons. God how I wish they were here. I sit on my bed, my thoughts slowly overtaking me.

While birthdays are something people celebrate and party, mine are filled with the memories and anniversary of my parents death. Not so fun.

"Hey, you ok?" I turn around to see Sydney standing in my doorway. "Yeah I'm fine. Just tired." I say.

"Well drink some coffee or something because we're all down here eating your birthday cake and someone should be eating it too..." she said nodding her head towards me. We laugh and head downstairs.

"Cassy you have to try this cake. I love it!" Dylan says looking up at me. "I can tell." I laugh and wipe his frosting covered face. "You have it all over you." He has a look of shame on his face before going straight back to the cake.

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