Chapter 3

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I woke up the next morning with my alarm clock ringing in my ears and Dylan jumping on my bed.

"Cassidy I'm hungry and we gotta make our lunches for school today!!" He whined and jumped off my bed pulling my arm.

I sighed "Ok I'm up bud. Go downstairs and pick out what cereal you want. I'll be down in a minute." I could hear his footsteps as he jumped down the stairs one by one.

I got up and picked my outfit out for the day before hopping in to get a quick shower. With 2 kids it's kind of difficult to get an actual decent shower in. I try my best to squeeze at least 10 minutes before they come in and get water everywhere. I love them but they need to learn how to use a towel.


"So what are you gonna wear on your date tonight?" Sydney asked as I closed my locker.

"I don't know. I was thinking my black dress with the red flannel." I replied. I was kind of nervous for tonight. I mean, I haven't really talked to him and hung out since he got back. Last time we went to Lolas Diner was when we were 6.

"That would be so cute! Promise to text me all the details after?"

"Of course. Who else would I text?" We both laugh and head to chemistry. As we walk in I notice Tyler sitting in the back. I guess he's now in the class.

"All right boys and girls. I'd like to introduce our new student that will be joining us this year, Tyler Grey. He's returning back from a while ago so some of you might remember him." Mr. Bradley says. Tyler spots me and smiles.

"Please, pick your seat and we'll get started with today's lesson." The only empty seat was the one next to me. I wouldn't say this out loud but I was actually kind of excited that he'd be sitting by me. Mr. Bradley starts explaining the new chapter.

"What a coincidence? It's fun being back in class together isn't it?" Tyler whispered to me. I smiled and nodded. Chemistry just got a little more interesting.

   Later on that evening...

"I clearly saw you blush from the other side of the room" Sydney claimed over the phone. This has become routine, that is until she moves in of course. Normally I would pick the kids up from school and let them do they're own thing while I do homework in my room and call Sydney.

"I totally did not blush. It was just hot in there. You know how Mr. Bradley hates opening the window." I say rolling my eyes.

"Sure. If that's what makes you sleep at night than I'll agree with your excuses" Sydney laughed over the phone. Our call was cut short by a loud crash in the kitchen. I dashed downstairs to see what happened.

"Oops." I was in awe when I saw Jenna on the counter reaching for the cookie jar that was shattered all over the floor. "I just wanted a snack." I watch my step as I made my way to her. She started to cry from guilt.

"It's ok Jenna. Mistakes happen." I comforted her and gave her a cookie. "Just ask next time ok?" She nodded and rubbed her eyes.

After I cleaned up the mess I made dinner and sent Dylan and Jenna off to bed. Grandma was on her way over to watch the kids. I heard my phone buzz and checked to see if it was her. Surprisingly it was Tyler.

Ty- hey, just wanted to check and see if we're still on. Pick u up @ 7:00?😊👌🏻

I smiled and replied back.

Me- yea, of course! Can't wait!!💕

I immediately got in the shower and started to get ready. All I can think about is when we were little playing hopscotch and collecting lady bugs in mason jars. We used to be such good friends before he moved away. I was curious to see if he changed at all.

Grandma arrived and was in the living room watching her shows. As I finished putting in my other earring, I heard the doorbell ring. I opened to see Tyler wearing blue jeans, a red sweater, and white sneakers.

His mouth dropped when he looked at me. "Wow, you look beautiful."

I smiled and looked down shyly. "Thanks. You don't look so bad yourself."

"Shall we go?" He offered. I called out to Grandma, shut the door behind me, and made my way to his car.

"Let me" he said as I reached for the door handle. "Wow, what a gentleman" I smiled and climbed in. The car ride was quiet but that didn't bother me. He had soft music playing in the background and we made small talk along the way.

So far, not so bad.


I laughed as we got our food. "I remember that. You couldn't go 1 day without checking behind your closet door to see if there were monsters."

"It wasn't my fault. That movie was really scary" he defended himself. So far this date is going really good. We've just been talking about memories we have with each other as kids. We've laughed so hard we forgot to order the first 20 minutes. We just sat and talked.

Things kind of died down as we started eating until he chimed in...

"So I meant to reach out when I heard about your parents. I'm so sorry Cassidy. I know how much your family means to you."

I stopped in my tracks and stared at the table. " It was a shock for everyone." He noticed my instant mood change and apologized.

"Gosh I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be an ass."

"No it's alright. It happened 3 years ago. Not your fault."

"Well, if your parents can see you now they would see how beautiful you are. Cassidy I really like you. We've know each other since we were young. You're the closest friend I've ever had" I blushed and smiled.

"I like you too" I said back. I didn't know I could say it back but it slipped out. And it was the truth. I really did like him.


Tyler opened the side door for me and walked me up to my front doorstep.

"I had a really great time tonight" I told him.

"I did too. Who knew you still had that trick with the fries and your nose?" He chuckled.

"I can't believe I did that. I guess old habits are never forgotten." We both smiled and looked at each other. He slowly leaned in until our noses touched. "Is it ok if I kiss you?"

I nodded my head and allowed him to gently kiss me. His hand caressed my cheek and I could feel his lips smile. I kissed back and allowed myself to be taken over by his dreamy ways.

He stopped and looked at me, his cute dimple coming through. "You are beautiful Cassidy Andrews." he whispered.

He gradually walked away and let our hands split apart. My legs felt like jello as I walked in the house and closed the door behind me. I couldn't help but smile and laugh to myself.

Tyler Grey, who knew I would fall for a bad boy?

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