chapter 1: Oh why am I such a Klutz!?! [EDITED]

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~i dont own any Naruto Characters only the Uchuu clan , Ryuu, and Tatsu!!!!! im gonna start to write cute funny disclaimers with the naruto characters but im just too lazy rite now but enjoy! X3~

You know those kind of dreams that you can only register small things like images and colors, no matter how much you pay attention and try and concentrate.......yeah I hate those too.

The color red, like blood. The color black, like the night. My missing younger brother, who was missing since our parents murder when I was eight and he was 5, he should be 13 now. My 8 year old self scared out of my wits, I’m 16 now. My parents bloody dead bodies. My older brother, Tatsu the only one of us who saw and remembers our parents murderer and he refuses to tell us, or me since I’m not missing, he’s 17 years old now.

BAM!! RIIIINNNNGGG! Ugh the school bell, and I hate math class so don’t blame me for wanting to sleep through it, and I don’t know why we can’t get our freshman year with so we can move onto the shinobi skills?!

"Yo!!!!!! Ryuu!!!! Wake up!!!!!" Naruto shouted into my ear. I finally peeled my eyes open, and murmured

"Shut up, Baka. I'm trying to sleep...." I would normally never call him that, he's my best friend ever, but the kid can get annoying sometimes, and that time was now. His bright blue eyes showed hurt and then they changed to anger,

"You wanna fight!?!"  he said as his vein stuck out, we all knew that he didn’t mean it, but when his temper flared he'd say anything.

I sighed, "No Naruto I don’t want to fight," I sighed again and stared at him my amber eyes spearing him with a glare, "I have a headache and I want to SLEEP!!" I slammed my head onto of my crossed arms that were on top of my desk.

“But we gotta go to Literature, with Mr. Asuma.” Ino said as she grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet. I groaned in resistance but she wouldn’t have it. "You know if u keep sleeping through all your classes your gonna fail out of class!" she scolded

"Ino stop pulling me!" I groaned as she ran and tugged, winding through the halls, dodging opening doors and students.

"Well hurry, ooooh SAI!!!!" She squealed as she caught sight of her new boyfriend, she let go of my arm.

"AAAAAHHHH" THUMP! I flew into someone, we tumbled to the ground, "Oooowwwww............Gomen" I flushed, god i was such a Klutz. I opened my eyes to see that i was on top of Sasuke Uchiha. My cheeks flushed deeper, “Oh! Gomen,Uchiha-kun, I-I didn’t see you!” I flailed for words.

“Hn. It’s cool, just get off of me….” His deep, sexy voice sent shivers down my back, I slide off to the side, as his hands guided me by my shoulder and waist, and he helped me up. I looked down at my feet, embarrassed out of my mind, when his lips brushed against my ear, “just be careful next time.” Another shiver found its way down my back, and its not because it was cold inside.

“Hai, Arigato, Uchiha-kun” I said as I stumbled back to a squealing Ino and a seething Naruto.

“Oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ryuu, you just fell on top of the hottest guy in school!!!!” she squealed as she hugged my frozen from shock body, but gulped when she felt Sai’s glare on her back, “ha ha ha, I meant besides you babe” she sweatdropped.

“Ry-chan, are you okay?” a quiet sweet voice snapped me from my reverie, I turned and looked at my most sweetest, kindest friends ever.

“Yeah, Hinata I’m fine just shaken up is all.” I smiled, I mean you can’t look and Hinata’s kind face and not smile it’s just impossible.  She smiled in relief but blushed crazily when she saw Naruto, and ducked her head and hide behind me, I patted her head and smile encouragingly at her.

“What’s going on over here? Are you okay Ry? I heard you tripped again, your always such a klutz.” Tatsu’s form appeared out of breath, but an emotionless mask remained on his handsome face as he pushed through the crowd.

“Hai, oniisan, sorry for worrying you” I said as I smiled up at him, only I could see the worry in his eyes. We’ve been through so much, with our clan’s massacre, our younger brother’s disappearance, I don’t think either of us could take it if the other disappeared, or was hurt.

He sighed, with annoyance and relief, and I giggled that he was worried, “did you fall on someone again?” he asked bluntly, I blushed deeply and then he knew, but asked anyway to spare my embarrassment.

“H-hai, but don’t worry I apologize and neither of us were injured.” I stated but still was blushing like crazy.

"ok ok" he ran a hand through his dark hair, and fixed his glasses, "ok i got Shinobi weapons 101 in 5 minutes so please just be careful, okay?" he asked,

"hai, hai, hai, and you dont have to rub it in that you get to take ninja classes!" i pouted as he ruffled my hair, as he chuckled, only for me,

"Jealous, little dragon?" he used my fathers nickname for me, "don't forget im leaving after school to go on a field trip in the Land of Clouds with my War Strategy class, so be careful and no going to Kiba's house" he pulled me into a tight hug and whispered in my year, "Be careful, don't talk to any strangers while im gone for a couple weeks" he released me and smiled slightly for me before putting on his emotionless mask and walking away.

I turned to see Sakura blushing, "Ry-chan?" the pinkette whispered,

"Yeah, Saku?"

"Your brother is very good-looking" she said shyly, Ino squealed with agreement

"Wait, u like my onisan??" I asked wide eyed.

"W-what!!?? noooooooo" she stuttered, baffled yet her face and neck flashed like a stop sign

I laughed at her and I imagined how good they would be together, Tatsu's calm and rational nature balanced by her fiery temper and knowledge. I smiled at the thought.

we all walked to class as Ino chatted to Sai and Naruto started ranting about popular guys and how they think they're so cool and swag, even though Sasuke was his best friend and Tatsu was my Oniisan. I sighed this was going to be a loooooong Literature class.

~So whatta think? i wanted it to be longer but i also wanted a cliffhanger and i would really appreciate it if people would give me ideas for further chapters and disclaimers, but id give you credit and everything, comment, vote, and fan, later X3~ 

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