Chapter 3: Suprises

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I walked up the path to school, sighing as I lugged my bag full of books. I heaved another sigh, I really, really hate regular ed....the names even sound boring...english, language arts, science, and *shiver* math.....I really hated math. As I was walking up I felt a deep loneliness in my chest, like someone I really cared about was missing. It could be my parents....I really did miss them.....or maybe Kiba, our group date at the cafe was the last time I saw him, he left on a mission with his mom and older sister.

He's so lucky.....getting to leave..... but maybe I could too....but I don't wanna quit school entirely....My emotins were all bundled up and bouncing around my head, causing a headache to bloom in the back of my head.


"You want me to become an Anbu?!?" I asked excitedly, then reality crashed into me, "But me the lieutenant? I-I don't think I'm that powerful...." I looked at my feet, knowing this is how Hinata feels everyday.

"We've been testing you. Little things when you were small, what you thought were games were tests, and I know your brother has been teaching you basic Shinobi skills." She smiled

"Maybe..." I wondered,

"Of course you'll have to quit school...." She warned

"Nani? Quit school? Why?" I asked frantic

"Well a Lieutenant has duties, jobs you need to do. You can't handle them both." she waved off my concern, "Your brother can tutor you if your curious, but the things your learning as a Genin and Chunin won't help you."

"But Ani is in school!" I pointed out, gesturing to my brother

"Well because he's learning things that he needs to know in the field, plus he's the Captin, he doesn't do paperwork thats his helpers job." she said

"I don't know....." I didn't want to quit school I'd never see my friends!

"You'll be the Sensei to some fresh out of the academy team, those who chose not to take Konoha High," She explained

(A/N: in here they can choose to become shinobi like go to the academy like in the original series or they can go to Konoha High and learn about other stuff as well as ninja skills)

"I'd have to think about it...."

"Take however long you need, the deal sits on the table until you decide." she dismissed us


I walked over to my locker and vaguely listened to what my friends were saying.

"Okay. Everything is all set and planned. But I might need some help with the decorations." Temari said, grinning, she always loved planning parties.

"I'm in!!"Naruto, Sakura, and Ino yelled in unison.

"Me too, I guess." Hinata said quietly.

"sure." Sai said, kinda bored.

"I'll help, it is my Imouto's birthday." Tatsu smiled down slightly at me, I smiled weakly back at him, still thinking about my decision.

I just leaned against the lockers, heldding my book bag, and starring at Sasuke as he came into my view. Temari looked at who I was staring at and smiled.

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