Chapter 6

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Chapter Six

It's been two months. Two months since we were in New York. Since we met Des. Since I became increadibly confused with my feelings for Niall.

Now, we're in Miami, Florida. In another penhouse. This one is more... beachy though. With sheer white curtains and canopys flowing in the breeze comeing through the open windows. Painted watercolours of beaches, despite the fact that the real this is just outside. And, what I think is the best part, an indoor pool. There's a whole wall of just windows that the pool is up against, giving it that infinity effect.

Des and I share a room, though she sleeps in Zayn's and keep her stuff in mine. Louis and Harry share a room, as always. And Liam, Niall, and Zayn have their own.

The lads are doing shows all over. On the beach, theaters, stores even. Us two girls are either right there with the lads, relaxing in the pent, or shopping.

Though the days were full of fun and joy, the nights were anything but. I was an emotional wreck when the sun went down, even more than in New York.

Me and Niall have... well I guess it may look like we're flirting, but I still don't know. Sometimes when we're sitting or walking he'll grab my hand and give me a smile. We're all over Tumblr, Sugarscape, and magazine covers. I'm surprised management hasn't told us to tone it down.

Zayn and Des have gotten very close. In fact, they made it public that they were in a relationship, and the public is loving it. Des may not like their music, like me, but she knows that they're all kind-hearted, normal, young lads. Well... normal to a certain extent. They're all a tab mad.

Today, Zayn and Des have gone out on a little date, Laim is skyping Danielle, Louis and Harry are in the pool, and Niall and I are in the kitchen, watching Lou and Haz acting like blokes. I'm sitting cross legged on top of the island counter while Niall is in a barstool beside me, eating soup that I had just made for him.

"Sam! Come in the water with us!" Harry called out to me, whilst splashing Louis in the face with water.

I'm wearing my black swin trunks and a black bikini top, covered my a BVB tank. I had no intentions of going in the water, I just new that with the way those two were splashing around I would somehow get wet. (Ok that sounded really dirty.) But... since it's so hot outside... why the hell not?

I stripped off my tank top and threw in onto the counter. Harry gave a low cat call as I shredded the shirt, but that's not what I really noticed. Nor was it Louis hitting him over the head with a noodle. It was that Niall stopped eating, spoon halfway to his mouth, and stared at me. And, maybe it was just my imagination, but I could still feel his eyes as I dove into the pool.

My feelings for Niall haven't settles. In fact, they keep escilating. Everytime he's near my my heart rate picks up and my palms sweat. And when we make eye contact I blush furiously. The effect that he has on my body is astonishing. Des has picked up on this and teases me relentlessly. She askes me about my "lover" all the time. Though we both know she is refering to Niall, no one else does. So that lads are convinced that I have a secret lover that I'm not telling them about

After I've been in the pool for about thirty minutes the door of the suite slams open.

"Des! Destinee! Dammit, please! Come back here!" Zayn's pleading voice travelled throughout the whole suite. We all look up to see a fuming Des and a torn Zayn. Des ignored his calls and stormed into my room, slamming the door shut.

I quickly jumped out of the pool and ran to Zayn, "Zayn, what the fuck is going on?"

Zayn was sitting on the floor next to my bedroom door. Hus head in his hands and his eyes a tad teary, "We were at a cafe, I wanted to take you some where kinda quite so we could talk, ya know? And like, after a while this fan comes up and asks if she can take a picture with me. I say yes and Des even takes the picture for us! Our drinks were called and I went to get them. And when I came back to our table the fan was gone and Des was like, I don't know, fuming! She demanded that I take her back here right away. I don't even know what the fuck is going on!" His head dropped back into his hands and his shoulders started to shake.

I comforted him for a few minutes then went to see Des in my room, and what I saw was heartbreaking. Des was curled up on my bed, head buried into the pillows and crying her eyes out. Jesus, both of them are completely knackered.

I went over to the bed and took her in my arms, "Sh, love, sh. Tell me what happened." After almost an hour of just sobbing she finally calmed enough to talk.

They were having a nice conversation when the fan, Summer, approached them. At first she was really sweet, shy even. And full of "thank you"s and the such. But when Zayn when to get their coffees she completely changed.

"She... she said that he didn't really like me. That she had seen him around town after signings, and just out on the street with different girls. Getting close and shit. Then she showed me some pictures on her phone of Zayn and some bitches. Like, at first I thought that I was going to see him with just some fans, like normal. But these pictures... they were like... they were like fucking public sex or some shit."

And then she broke down crying again. Before her tears were of sadness, but now I think they're of frustrasion. How she just doesn't know. How she could be wrong and those pictures could be fake, or that maybe thay can be real. Though I doubt they are.

After she calm down again all tears left and she was now filled with frustration.

"And then this bitch goes about how I'm good looking enough for a 'sex god' like Zayn. Like, I know I'm not some fucking godess, but hell, I don't think I'm that bad. And yeah, Zayn could do a shit load better than me. But this bitch has no right to say this shit. She looked skanky as FUCK. She had this short as skirt and a bra for a shirt."

She was pacing around the room, and I noticed that she started clawing at her arms. Leaving red marks with her nails.

I shot up and walked over to her. Pulling her hands away from her wrists and grabbed her by the shoulders. Don't believe some bitch like that. You're fucking gorgeous. And I bet you that those fucking pictures were photoshopped. You're such an amazing woman. Zayn isn't that fucking stupid to cheat on you. I bet that bitch was just jealous that you're so amazing, that Zayn's so amazing, and that you guys make such an amazing couple. You guys are going to make some sexy ass kids."

Des wrapped her arms around me and started giggling. " I fucking love it when you swear with that accent of yours."

I chuckled as well, "Come on, how about we go talk about things with Zayn?"

She nodded and we went to find Zayn, a small smile now resting on Des' face.

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