Chapter 10

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Chapter Ten

"Do I have to go to this interview?" I whined, being forced into the vehicle.

Des flicked my ear and did a creepy laugh, "Yes. This is payback for not waking me up to eat ice cream with you and Niall the other night! You hoe." She's been holding a slight grudge against me ever since that night. She claimed that I should have woken her up to eat ice cream. The next morning when she woke up Zayn, Harry, and Liam (all together) had to pry her off of my body in attempt to stop her from beating me with a wooden spoon.

" Dammit Des, let it go! I took you out for lunch the day after."

"Bitch don't start.."

"Come at me hoe!"

The car was moving and us two girls were sitting in the back seat. We undid out seat belts and I jumped at her, making her fall back into her back. We rolled around as much as we could on the seats, pretty much just wrestling and trying to pin each others arms back. We shouted insults that we quite comical, but should not be repeated.

As usual, one of the lads were filming. This time it was Harry. Louis and Zayn were cheering us on, turned around and making cat calls. Niall was in his usual fits of laughter, and Liam wasn't even trying to keep a straight face. It took us twenty minutes to get to the place where the interview was, and all the while this was happening. Instead of just wrestling we also inserted a bit of biting. Now, I had red marks on my arms and even a few on my neck. The same went for Des, but they weren't as noticeable yet because of her darker skin tone.

All in all there were five interviews. Zayn and Des. Lou and I. Des and I. One with all seven of us. And one with just Niall and I. The first four went normally, but in the one with Niall and I, things took a very unexpected turn.

Ni and I sat on a small sofa together. I had my back against the arm rest and had my legs stretched out onto his lap. He had on hand rested on my knew and the other playing with my fingers.

Janice (Interviewer): How are you both doing today?

Me: Good, though I'm a bit confused. Why are the two of us in an interview together?

Niall: I was wonerin' the same thing.

Janice: Well... we did a poll on our website, on who should be interviewed with who. And the pair of you were the top picked. There were alot of comments about you two... mostly revolving around a suspected secret romance between you two. Would you care to talk about that a little bit?

Me: *laughs* Yeah, lots of fans think that there's something going on with me and Ni, but there isn't. We're just really close, he's like my Irish brother. Well, or my little leprechaun.

Niall: Yeah, there's nothing going on there, besides, she fancies someone.

His voice hardened, making me look at him and raise my brow.

Janice: Oooh, that sounds juicy. Sam, who would this 'someone' be?

My palms started to sweat and I took my hand away from Niall's. He just had to bring that up. God damn him. I debated on whether to just make something up or to 'no comment' the question. If I went for the latter that may seem suspicious to some... make things seem scandalous of sorts.

Me: Uhm.. yeah. There is someone that I fancy, quite a bit actually.

You know what? Fuck it. The truth is going to come out today. I have nothing to lose. It's not like Niall would ever get with me anyways. The only thing I have to lose if our friendship. But just having that friendship was complete and utter torture for me. Really, I think I would rather not be friends with him than to be tormented by being so close.

Janice: Who?

I saw Niall's hands clench into fists and I turned to sit normally, lifting my feet of of his lap. I looked straight at Janice and took a deep breath. It's now or never. Dammit Sam! Man up!

Me: It's... it's... *mumble*

I could feel his eyes burning into my skull. It seemed that any moment my head would combust into flames. Janice leaned closer.

Janice: What was that, hun?

Me: ... Niall... I fancy Niall.

And with that I shot out of my seat and ran. I ran out of the room, out of the building, out of sight. I don't know if anyone was following me. I couldn't hear anything over the beating of my heart in my ears. I stopped running after what seemed like miles. In front of me was a small diner. Much more homey looking than all the modern buildings in this city.

When I swung the door open the sound of bells fulled my ears, making me smile. There were only a few people occupying the seats. A small family; a young couple; and two elderly couple. The whole scene came together and was almost heartbreakingly cute.

I sat down at the counter, in a bar stool that lifted my feet off of the ground.

The woman behind the counter gave me a sweet smile. She was older, maybe in her fifties. Graying blond, curly hair, fell into her face, strands falling out of the bun on top of her head. Her brown eyes were warm, caring.

Mum, I thought in my head. Making me mentally slap myself. No, it's not your Mum you bloke. She just reminds you of her. Not that she looks anything like her, maybe it's the eyes. So caring, so motherly.

"Can I get you something sweetheart, you look like you could use some coffee?" She asked me, leaning onto the counter.

I shook my head and gave her a pathetic excuse of a smile, "Do you serve tea here? I'm in the mood for a brew."

She handed me a cup of warm tea and smiled, "From your accent I can tell that you're not from around here, England I presume? And from your tone of voice I can tell that you're not in a good mood."

I looked down into my cup and wrapped my hands around it. Feeling the burn in my fingers, "Yeah... today hasnt't been a good day. Oh, and yes, I am from England. I traveled over on this side of the pond with my brothers band."

Recognition flickered in her eyes, "Oh! You're bother in the new foreign boyband isn't he? My gandkids adore them."

"Yeah..." By now my hands were red from the warmth of the cup.

"Hun, you're gonna burn your hands like that," Daisy (as her name tag read) carefully and gently uncoiled my fingers from the cup, laying them down on the counter top. "Do you want to talk about it? I find that talkin' to a stranger sometimes helps blow off steam."

I let out a dry chuckle, "Well, it's typical teenage shit- oh! Excuse my language. But, uhm, it's about a boy..." And I launched into a full story. I told her about Niall. The interview. I even went  to tell her about the hospital and my mother. And even more of a surprise, I told her about the self mutilation and depression. I don't know why I told her all of this, but there was something about her that reminded me about my Mum.

"Aw, hun, believe me. Talk to this boy. The longer you hold out and ignore him, you're only going to hurt yourself." She went on giving me some of the best advice I've ever heard.

I looked up at her and gave her a real smile, "Thank you, Ms. Daisy, thank you."

I walked out of the diner, checking my phone. I had about 40 missed calls, 40 voice mails, and a little over 100 text messages. I didn't even bother checking the messages and caught a cab, telling the driver the address of our hotel.

I'm scared. I'm so fucking scared right now. I don't to face Niall right now. I don't want to face all the questions of the lads. I don't want to face the media. But, Ms. Daisy was right, I would only be hurting myself if I tried to avoid it.

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