Chapter 15

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Chapter Fifteen

I woke up to the sounds of busy cars on the streets below. Outside the sky was dark, making the room almost pitch black, the only light coming from the lights of the city.

How did I get into my bed? The last thing I remembered was setting things straight with Niall and going to the club.

Oh fuck. The club.

Everything came rushing back to me at once.Quite shocking for someone who literally just woke up three seconds ago.

Him. His face. His hands. His lips. It made my skin crawl. Images of bright lights shinning in my face and being dragged through a crowd. Of him forcing me into the bathroom.

God, he came so close. If they hadn't came in when they did I don't know what would have happened. Would I be in the hospital? Bleeding and crying. Hell, would I even be here?

I sat up in bed, the duvet falling away from my body. Looking down at my body, even in the faint light, what I saw made me gasp. Almost all the skin that was visible was covered in purple bruises, some already turning blue or yellow.

 I reached over to the bedside table to get my phone, wanting to see what time it was. While I was reaching around for the phone my hand knocked into something, I'm not sure what it was, but it made a rather loud sound as it hit the floor.

A small figure burst into my room, "WHAT THE FLUBBER FUCKER CHICKEN NUGGET!?" Des' hair was wild and she held a bat in her hands.

"WHAT THE FUCK DES?" I screamed, startled by her entrance.

After my scream the lads came rushing into my room. Louis held the blender above his head. Liam had a full chair. Zayn had a mirror in each hand, holding them like small daggers. Harry had a bat like Des. And Niall... had the leg of a chair? Yes, even in what is supposed to be a serious moment they  manage to bring some comedy.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON IN HERE?" Louis shouted, eyes wild. I have never seen him look so... distressed.

Des stood up straight, still shaking slightly. "She woke up, I heard something, I came barging in, she got scared, I screamed, she screamed, we all scream for ice cream."

Louis just stood there for a few seconds, staring at the wall. All the sudden he dropped the blender and ran to me, wrapping his arms tightly around me. I wrapped my arms around him as well and we just sat there. Tears were making their journey down my cheek, but they were not the violent sobs like the night before. These were tears of joy, happiness, relief. I felt safe in my big brothers arms. I could feel the warmth of his body through our layers of clothing and it was the most comforting feeling in the world.

"Sam, I love you so much. So fucking much. I was so scared when we-" His voice cracked "When Des came running to us... without you. Right then I knew something was wrong. God dammit I was so scared." And right then, right then my big brother- the one who was there for me when my mother died. The one that was there to sleep in my bed beside me when I woke up crying and screaming during the nights at home. My anchor broke down crying in my arms.

He seemed so fragile, so weak. I almost did not tighter my hold around him for fear of him shattering, and that couldn't happen. He has kept me strong, he was always strong. And to see him in such a position literally broke my heart.

"Louis, Louis, look at me. I love you too, so much. Nothing will happen to me, I promise. I'm here right now safe and sound. I would never leave you." And I hope you never leave me.

After standing to the side of the room for a good half hour the rest of the lads and Des sat on my bed, rubbing their hands up and down mine and Louis' backs. Finally, after what seemed like forever, Lou and I pulled apart. When his arms left mine they were to only be replaced with another pair- Niall's.

He forcefully pulled me onto his lap and locked his arms around me. You would expect that after what had happened I would be having a panic attack from all this physical contact. But no. Just like being in Louis' arms I felt calm, whole. But there was something there that I hadn't felt while holding Lou, and that isn't a bad thing.

Right now in Niall's arms, I felt love. Romantic, passionate, desperate love.

I was the most amazing feeling in the world. I felt grounded. I put my arms around his neck in what could be considered a death grip. Burying my head in his neck I tried to pull his body as close to mine as possible.

"Don't you ever fucking scare me like that again." He mumbled, his Irish accent thick with emotion.

I held him even tighter, "Never."


Yeah yeah I know, it's short. But aren't all these chapters short? I've come to the conclusion that this will either be a relatively short story, or have short chapters with a shit tome of chapters.

That does't sound right if you read it, but it does make sense.

Believe me.

Batman said so.

Bye loves xxx

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