Chapter 28

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I stared into the mirror, not able to recognize the girl staring back at me. 

Her hair had been washed of all hair dye, leaving light brown wavy locks. Parted to one side so bangs swooped across her face. Her grey eyes shone, showing an emotion that they haven't held for a while:


Her nose piercing was still there, yes. That and an eyebrow piecing being the only metal pierced into her skin.

Her make-up had changed, less eyeliner and a more natural brown looking eyeshadow. At the ends of her eyes her eye liner pulled away from her eyes and gave a nice cat eyed effect. A huge difference from her raccoon looking makeup. 

I still like the style of makeup  had before, but what I'm doing now is less time consuming.

My clothing (yes, my, no more third person bullshit.)was different also. I wore and over sized, thin, tan button up jumper. With a black tank top under that and grey skin tight jeans I had a more girlie flare to me. Since Christmas I've started wearing heels, not very high unless there are special occasions. Now I'm wearing a pair of brown oxford heels. A wooden owl necklace completed my whole outfit.

"You look beautiful." Niall said behind me, wrapping his arms arounf my waist and kissing my neck.

"Thank you love," I twisted my head around and kissed him on the lips "I... I actually feel beautiful too. Not just some tough girl... actually beautiful."

His fingers grazed across my wrists, tracing the tattoos that Mum had allowed me to get. I got the words "Never give in" done in a old fashioned scroll font. It was done largely so it covered my whole inner arm from my wrist to the crease of my elbow. On the outside of my other wrist, like where that little part of bone just pops out of my skin, I got Louis' name. I didn't do some fancy pretty fonts, but harsh block letters. Just to show how prominent he was in my life. 

Those where the only two I had now, but I'm planning on getting more in the future. 

I chuckled at a thought I just had, "Would you like me to get your name inked on my skin?" I asked, turning around and putting my arms around him. With the hells on (which her about 4 inches) I was actually an inch or two taller than him. 

He laughed, "Don't do that babe, you might regret it someday."

"I would never regret something like that. You'd be part of me forever, no matter what happens."

I earned another kiss for that.


The woman in front of me was dressed up nicely, a nice casual dressy. "Sam, it's nice to see you. How have you been, love? I almost didn't recognize you." She was a very sweet lady, all smiley and nice.

I gave her a smile and squeezed Niall's hand, who was sitting next to me, "I've actually been really great, thank you. And I know, I've changed my looks quite a bit in the past month." I let out a laugh and actually realized that from Christmas to now, January, I've changed a whole fucking lot in looks and personality.

"Well let me just day that you look absolutely wonderful. It's amazing to see that beautiful smile on your face."

"Oh, thank you!"

"This is your first time in the limelight since that twitcam you did a while back, isn't it."

"Yes ma'am, it is." 

"I'm really sorry to turn right to a serious note with this, but, what was the reaction of the fans after you told- well- what was going on in your personal life?" She seemed to not be able to phrase her sentence correctly. 

"They took it quite well actually. After I told everyone that I had been depressed, cutting, and very suicidal, I thought that all hell would break loose. I was mostly worried about how it would effect the lads' band and their fame. I know some people don't necessarily understand things like depression and self harm, so I thought that they would take things out on them, since it would be easier to do that than to take it out on me. But they are very supporting. I don't want to sound like I didn't have very high thoughts of them, but I didn't expect them to do this well with it. They send me letters and presents and tweets and everything between. It's amazing and I couldn't be any more grateful to have such supporting people in my life."

Everyone sat there staring at me and soaking in my every word. After I had stopped talking I couldn't help but to feel a bit awkward.

"That's amazing, Sam. I'm glad that you feel that everyone's behind you every step of the way, because we are." She then eyed between Niall and I "So, how are things between the two of you?"

Niall spoke up for this one. You could tell that he loved talking about our relationship, hell I think even even gloats to his friends sometimes, though I don't really know why. "Things have been so amazing with us. Like, things couldn't get any better. We may be moving a little fast compared to most couples, but since we've known each other for a few years we don't think it's as big of a deal. We actually rented an apartment together in London."

There were screams and cheers in the crowd. "That's so amazing you guys! Just.. ugh that's so cute! How are your careers corresponding with your relationship?"

"Since Christmas Niall has pretty much been on break," I said "And as for me I'm not doing anything at all at the moment. I record a few songs here and there, just when I'm feeling bored. And the lads and Des convinced me to sell some of my artwork in coffee shops around London. I imagine that once Niall hits the road again we'll have to work much harder to keep our relationship in tact, bit I love him and I know travelling can't change that. " I leaned over and kissed Niall on the cheek, putting action into my words.

Everyone spent a few minutes fangirling over us, just squealing and not knowing what to do with themselves. Were we really that cute?

We spent the rest of the time talking about how life has been and everything else under the sun. 



Hey loves.


So I decided that after this chapter there will only be 2 chapters left. At the end of the story there will be a hella fucking big surprise and people are gonna bitch that:

"ohhh they b takin' they relationship 2 fast omg they havent even been datin' 4 lyke... 1 year omg!!!11!!1!"

LOL I don't give a fuck.


Bye lovelies Xxx

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