Chapter 14

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Chapter Fourteen

 [A/N: Okay, this may have a bit more stronger language than usual. Such as c*nt is used once (but actually spelled out) and alot of " fuck fuck fuck fuck" So... yeah... ENJOY! xxx]

The club we chose was called "Vintage", and once we walked inside I understood the name. All the furniture was old and beautiful. Like velvet armchairs that you would find in an old Victorian home. There were photos lining the walls of women and men dressed in silken finery. Even though the club looked regal, it was very upbeat and bright. Coloured lights shone everywhere, in a wide array of cool colours, like purples, blues, and greens.

Even though we were all under aged to buy alcohol, the bartender seemed to know who the seven of us were, so he gave us alcohol anyways. The only think that Des and I drank was beer, and since we could both hold our alcohol it didn't affect us in the slightest.

" Sammy! Dance with me, bitch!" Des took my hand and led me to the middle of the dance floor. The song playing at that moment was "Stand Up" by the lads. I'm not sure if the DJ did that purposely because we were here, or otherwise.

I took her hands in mine and we started to do this spaztic waltz type dance. I wasn't sure where any of the lads were. Possibly talking to some fans or drinking at the bar. Looking around I didn't see anyone who looked like fans of One Direction, but who knows.

All of the sudden I felt large sweaty hands wrap around my waist, "Hey there, babe. You look fine tonight."

I whipped around and looked at the stranger. He was tall and bulked up with muscle. He had a brown buzz cut and I could smell the alcohol on his breathe. "Excuse me, but please remove your hands from my body." I kept my voice calm and emotionless.

He only pulled me closer, lowering his hands onto my bum, "Nah, I like you. You look pretty good on the dance floor, I wonder how you'll look in my bed." Was that supposed to be sexy talk? Fucking bloke.

"Excuse me, you fucking tool, but she doesn't want your hands on her, let only get into bed with you. So why don't you walk your fucking ass away from her before I go all fucking ghetto of your white ass." Des talked forward, only coming up to his chest. Despite her height I found her to look a bit threatening at the second.

"Hop off midget." He spat at her and turned back to me.

I straightened my posture to try to gain height, "Des, go get the lads." She ran away scanning through the crowd.

"Oh "the lads" who are they? You have a fuck group with you? You look like the whore type, all you fucking little emo girls." Before I could go off on him he put his hand on my mouth and started to pull me through the crowd. I tried to kick and wiggle my way out of his arms but he wouldn't let go, and when I tried to scream his hand and the music muffled any sound.

I tired to keep as calm as possible but I could feel my anxiety level hitting the roof. What if he rapes me? Drugs me and rapes me, only to leave me to die from blood loss of something. God dammit, someone better fucking come and help me...

He took me into a handicap restroom, a lockable restroom with only a loo and a sink. Once we entered it he locked the door, throwing me up against the wall. Before I could scamper away he attacked me, both with his lips and his hands.

His arms pinned me against the wall, making it completely impossible to escape. His lips came upon my own, slobbery and unpleasant. I tried to fight him. I pounded my fists against his chest, screaming into his mouth. Trying to scream only have his access to the inside of my mouth.

I seemed like I fought him forever. My arms were sore and I'm sure I had bruises and scratches on my arms, torso, chest, and neck from his aggressiveness. He ran his hands all over my body, squeezing and scratching with his nails.

At some point in time he got me sitting up against the wall. His handed traveled to my jeans, quickly unbuttoning them. By now tears were streaming down my face. I was sobbing and screaming, but no one could hear me.

"Jesus fucking christ shut the fuck up." He growled as he started to pull my trousers off my legs. When my jeans here to the middle of my thighs he was pulled off me. Vicious words and curses coming from both his mouth and others.

I couldn't see anything though. My vision was blurred by tears and the fluorescent lights.

"You fucking cunt! Don't you ever fucking touch her again!" A voice growled, filled with venom. There was a noise  like someone being kicked.

I curled up in a ball, protecting my body in case he came back.

"Sam. Sam, oh my god are you ok?" Small, cool hands pulled my trousers back up, buttoning them. "Fuck, guys don't fucking kill him! Just make sure he bleeds like a motherfucker!"

Cold arms wrapped around me, pulling me close to them. I fought weakly against them, but with my weariness and their soothing words in my ear I stilled and silently sobbed.

"You lay another fucking hand on my sister and I'll make sure you never the the light of day again!"

"I hope you fucking rot in hell, you wanker, how dare you go after an innocent girl!"

There were a series of what sounded like kicks, punches, and yells filled with curses.

I fell asleep with my face damp with tears, leaning against the person's behind me back.


I woke up in different arms, someone carrying me bridal style.

"No! No let go of me! No!" I started to cry once more, trying to push away from their chest.

"Sh, Sam, love, it's me. You're safe." An Irish voice said, holding me tighter to his chest to assure that I didn't fall.

I looked up into his blue eyes, "Niall? Wha... What happened? Why are you carrying me? Where are we going?" I started to sound frantic.

"Calm down love, we're going home." He laid a calming kiss on my forehead.

As soon as his lips met my skin I felt my heartbeat slow. Curling up into his chest I tried to absorb as much of his warmth as I could, noticing that the sweater (his presumably) wasn't enough to keep out the chilled night breeze.

There were camera flashes, questions being asked rapidly, and I think I felt a few microphones brushing against my skin at a few points.  All the lads just brushed off the paparazzi and made our way to the van waiting outside for us. They made sure that the first ones in the van were me and Niall, since I was in my fragile state.

I fell asleep in the van, my legs curled up in the seat and leaning on Ni's shoulder as his arms enveloped me in a protective hold.

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