Radio Broadcast

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Leon was driving his car through the city.

After Helena became an agent, he rarely saw her and if he did, it was in a window of the building she worked at.

But it didn't bother him, he knew tons of people and they all did the same after the mission.

They disappeared and once you saw them again, it was like they never left.

Ada had disappeared too, that he knew was inevitable. But he was sure he would see her again.

It was then that the radio caught his attention. "Chaos has spread throughout D.C.

A terrorist attack has been struck, a deadly virus has been released into the city, the incident is idenical to the one last year that spread to China.

An evacuation has been placed at the north end of the city." The man on the radio says.

Leon feels his heart pound agaisnt his chest and hits the stearing wheel. "Damn it! Ada said she destroyed all of the data!" He yells. "Shit!" He screams as he sees a truck coming at him. He yanks the wheel to the side. His car spun and flipped in the air. As soon as he hit the ground and went rolling, the car crashed into a pile of vehicles. He got up and held his side from being tossed from the car. He got out his gun and started walking down the deserted street.

   "Hey!" Leon hears a voice call out. Leon looks up at the owner of the voice. She was on top of a truck and crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow.

Her h/l, h/c was pulled to the side and in a loose ponytail as her hair fell in her face and wore a red men's dress shirt that was unbuttoned to reveal cleavage and a lowcut white tank top with leather pants and leather high healed boots and fingerless leather gloves.

A black underbust corset wrapped around her, showing off her curves. "Shouldnt you be heading for the evac?" She asks. He furrows his eyebrows. "Who are you?" He ask.

She smiles brightly. "Sorry, I'm Agent F/N L/N." She says.


I'm sorry for such a short chapter. I will post more in a little while.

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