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Leon's POV

As we head for Nick's, a thought came to mind. "So what are we going to find when we find Nick's?" I ask.

I look at Y/N and see her head sink a little. "Sherry and...some other people trapped and experimented on." She says.

"People that need our help." She says as she looks at me.

"Seems like the world is always in jeopardy." I say.

"And it will always need people like us to save it." She says as she looks up at the smoke filled sky.

I clear my throat and sigh. "So w-where are you from?" I ask.

She smirks and chuckles. "A town that isn't on a map." She says. "What town?" I ask. She sighs and laughs. "Bangor, Michigan." She says.

"Where is that at?" I ask. "You know the mitten?" She asks as she makes the shape with her hand.

"Yeah." I say. "Well my little home town is here." She says as she point to the bottom left corner of her hand.

"No mans land is what I like to call it." She chuckles. "Why is that?" I ask. "A man of many questions huh? Well, me and my family all lived on a farm in the middle of no where." I say.

"Why leave?" He asks. "I was forced to. My family was kidnapped and experimented on, and so was I. My sister escaped, only to mutate and lose her mind from the virus. B.S.A.A. Classified her as a...a damn B.O.W.! Like she was some vermin ready to be exterminated! Everything dear to me was taken away by bio-terrorists. I wont forget what they did to me." She says as tears rise up in her eyes.

"I won't let Sherry get the same fate I did." She tells me as she looks at me. "What fate was that?" I ask.

"You'll see, once we get to Nick's. I know this sounds all too familiar but you won't believe me until you see it for yourself." She tells me.

I nod and shrug as we come to a halt.

There was Nick's.

Y/N sprints into the building, I follow close behind. She looks at a painting of a mother and daughter.

She yanks it off the wall and there was a passage through it.

The look on her face was pure terror.

She ran through the passage and down a long hallway.

She bursts through several doors and then where was a glass door, and through it I saw bodies in tanks.

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