Episode 2: Part 2: Oh, I Think This Might Be YOUR Kraken

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This was not how Val had seen this day going.

Every street she turned down, a new building was on fire. When even fire seemed crankier than usual, something was up.


Not on the up-and-up.

A bad scene all around, really.

Streaks of blood covered her body, but not a single drop was hers. And not all of it was human.

"Girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do." She hadn't stopped to think yet if what she'd just done had been something she absolutely HAD to do, and was pretty sure if she did her soul would be instantly transported directly to Hell without passing Go, and without collecting $200.

Home was still miles away. She tried thinking about it in kilometres, but that made it sound even farther. 

Can I even call it home anymore? We broke up. I was going to ask Anna-Lynn if I could stay with her for a bit. Fat lot of good she did...wait...does that mean I'm homeless?

She hit Bleecker Street - her second favourite street in town. (She'd say what her favourite one was, but then she'd have to kill you.) Bleecker was one of the main drags, and if she went that way, she'd reach home...sorry...HIS house in no time.

A car careened around the corner, and nearly clipped her as it raced past. Tires shrieked as the driver lost control and smashed into the Kraken Premier Bank. It was almost more renowned for its octopus mascot than its record-breaking profits, but either way, now there was a car in it.

"Idiot," she muttered, and dashed over to see if she could help. 

It was right then that the universe, in her cruel, mean-spirited, nobody-cares-about-you universsy kind of way, decided that the tiny lady dashing around down on Earth while the city burned around her ears hadn't been dealt a crappy enough hand. 

The beam that the car smashed into suddenly wasn't your standard, run-of-the-mill, not vital to the building's structural integrity sort of beam. A hairline crack rippled from where the car's bumper had oh-so-rudely kissed it, and rocked the building from stem-to-stern. Something shook loose way up on the roof, and that something began hurtling toward the ground at top speed.

Our heroine, who was now getting used to having life take a big, steaming dump right on her head, only had time to murmur a rather colourful curse word before the Kraken Premier Bank's iconic mascot crashed to Earth around her ears.

Any other day, a giant marble octopus falling 80 stories would have been big news. 

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