Episode 5: Part 2: Super Ronnie

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Previously on The Final Countdown...

Venti and Captain Kyle Fancypants are desperately seeking their dear friend Ronnie, now somewhere in the deepest bowels of T'Iguidou's mighty flagship, also known as the Power of Grayskull.

Having won the hearts of the judges in last time's dance-off, Venti and Fancypants are trapped in a fuel chamber with something horrible.

Something beyond description.

Something so hideous...so astronomically heinous, it defies conventional description...

Something so...


Venti couldn't tell what she was looking at, but a hunch within told her it was Ronnie. The hunch might have actually been a mild case of indigestion, but at that exact moment, she was going with it being a full-on hunch.

"How the hell'd you guys find me?" Ronnie, or what was probably Ronnie, or what was left of her, shrugged what may or may not have been her shoulders. "That was one deepass hole! I didn't think I was ever gonna stop falling!"

Fancypants burst into tears.

"Aw, what is it, big guy?" Ronnie spread her arms wide and shuffled closer. "You need a hug?"

Fancypants screamed and hid behind Venti. This wasn't the first time he'd done this, nor would it be the last. 

Venti cleared her throat. "Look, Ronnie, I don't know how to tell you this."

"Tell me what?" Ronnie crossed her...arms...tentacles...forward-slung appendages, maybe?...across her...look, I'm just going to say chest. Whatever's going on here just isn't right. Even I'm getting a little queasy.

"You don't look like...you." Venti's hands flew up to her mouth, fully pressed together in a symbol of prayer, to whatever deity might have been listening.

"What do you mean, I don't look like me?" Ronnie laughed, her hearty barks echoing around the fuel chamber until the room quivered like it was made out of tapioca.

"You just...look...help me out, Fancypants..."

Kyle Fancypants stifled a gag. Then another one. Then he just barfed. Holding it in just wasn't happening.

"You're..." It was on the tip of Fancypants's tongue. "You're..."

"Big..." Venti offered up 'big,' but it didn't feel right.

"And slimy..."

"You have...extra pieces..."

"And a beak..."

"What about the...what is that..."

"That would be her tail..."

"And that thing near her..."

"That's always been there..."

"Good God..."

Ronnie shot out a tentacle for each of them and before they could say 'Jesus, Ronnie, what the fuck happened?' they were perched on Ronnie's gigantic shoulders.

"Come on, you little tostones!" Ronnie roared at the ceiling. "Let's go find our cat and get the hell outta here!"


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