Boxes + Magic = Lots of Fun

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"Okay, so now that the boy finally put me down I can summon some boxes, tape, bubble wrap, and, I personal fav, packing peanuts!" Emma giggles.

Emma stands in the middle of the room, clasps her hand together, and straightens her shoulders. Then shifting her hands out in front of her, as though warming them by a fire, she makes tons of empty folded up boxes appear right in front of her.

"WHAT NOW. I'M AMAZING!" she shouts.

Hazel giggles.

"Oh yeah, you're so amazing," Jackson says, "All must praise thy Mistress Emma!"

"I am not your mistress! I'm your Queen, servant! Bow down before me!" Emma giggles.

Jackson, and Daemon, fall to their knees, bowing.

Emma looks at Hazel, and Sebastian, and giggle, "I said bow!"

"Sorry Queen Emma. A princess doesn't bows to anyone," Hazel grins.

Sebastian smiles, "I serve no one"

"Sebastian come here!" Daemon shouts.

Sebastian walks over to Jackson, and Daemon. Daemon shoves him to the right, and pulls him to his knee.

"ALL HAIL QUEEN EMMA, AND PRINCESS HAZEL," Jackson shouts patting his shoulder.

Emma goes over, and sits on Jackson's right shoulder, and Daemon's left. Hazel follows, sitting on Daemon's right shoulder, and Sebastian's left. Jackson grabs Emma's left hand, and left leg, Daemon grabs her right hand, and Hazel's left hand, and Sebastian, getting the idea, grabs Hazel's right hand, and her right leg. Then, as if one, the boys hop to a standing position. Hazel, and Emma screaming as they're lifted into the air.

"Hold still I need to summon tape, and bubble wrap!" Emma giggles.

The guys freeze, and Emma does as she did before with the boxes, but instead tape, bubble wrap appear right on top of the boxes.

"YES! I'M THE QUEEN OF AWESOMENESS!" she shouts, "and because you are such good servants... PACKING PEANUTS FOR EVERYONE!"

Emma lifts her hands, and styrofoam peanuts shower down on them. Then, using her amazing powers, Emma creates a huge styrofoam peanut castle, with thrones, and everything.

"Okay, not to kill the vibe or anything, but we need to start packing," Hazel grins.

"Ug! Fine," Jackson says sarcastically.

The boy slowly turn to create a circle, "One at a time jump down."

Emma jumps first. As Emma jumps down Hazel wraps her left hand around the top of Daemon's collarbone, and her right around Sebastian's collarbone. Just before Emma's feet hit the ground, the boys' hands gently grab hold of her waist. Hazel loosens her grip, ready jump, when she hears a growl.

Jackson hears it too. Jackson moves quickly, grabbing Hazel's waist, and dropping her into the center of the circle, created by Emma, Daemon, and himself. In the middle, Sebastian, weapons in hand, moves to stand between Emma, and Jackson.

Hazel thrusts  her whip out, and places her left hand over the handles of her silver, and gold daggers. Then takes a stand between Sebastian, and Jackson.

Two puppies jump out from behind the boxes, chasing two fox pups.

One fox pup, bright red, orange, and gold. The other shadow black. They run up to Hazel, climb up her sides, and sit on her shoulders. The puppies tackle Hazel, and the foxes jump onto Sebastian's shoulders.

"Don't let them get away!" Emma shouts to Hazel.

Hazel wraps her arms around to pups, and sits up, "You two aren't supposed to be here. Naughty puppies!"

"There are foxes on my shoulders!"Sebastian shouts.

"Hold still!"Hazel hands the puppies over to Emma, and grabs up the foxes.

"Please explain what the hell just happened!" Sebastian stares at the foxes.

Jackson, and Daemon stare at each other, then burst into laughter.

"Well, these are my wolfdogs," Emma explains, "Bear," she notions to the larger pup, " and Bella."

"And these are my foxes," Hazel replies, "Shadow," she lifts the black one, "and Sparks."

"Wait! You own foxes?!" Sebastian asks.

"Yep. Jackson rescued them from a hungry wolf. But his parents told him he couldn't keep them. So I took them."

"How long have you had them?"

"Mm, about... a year? Yeah a year."

"So, wolves, and foxes, huh. I never thought I'd meet anyone that crazy," Sebastian smirks.

Hazel steps forward, "Crazy good... or crazy bad?"

"Definitely... crazy good," Sebastian grins.

Emma raises her eyebrows, "Okay time to pack! Form a circle on the floor."

The animals are let loose, and they chase each other up stares. Hazel sits down, everyone following. Next to Hazel is Sebastian, and Jackson. Next to Emma is Sebastian, and Daemon. Daemon being next to Jackson.

"Okay everyone hold hands," Emma says.

"Seriously?!" Jackson says.

"What! It's not like I bite! Okay maybe I do," Daemon grins.

"Fine! Just hold his wrist then! I'm just saying it works better if you hold hands!" Emma says, obviously getting irritated.

Jackson wraps his hand around Daemon's wrist, "Good! Thank you. Now the rest of you hands please!"

Jackson grips Hazel's right hand. Sebastian, lacing his right hand in her left, smiles at Hazel.

"All linked?" Emma questions

Everyone nods.

"Good. You might feel a slight tug at first," Emma warns, "And try not to break my concentration. So if you talk, don't talk too loud, or directly to me. If you find it hard to stay awake after a while it's okay. That's a good sign. It meaning I've succeeded."

"Okay! Get on with it!" Daemon smiles at her.

Emma closes her eyes, and stops talking. Hazel feels a slight tingle in the palms of her hands. Boxes fly into the air around them, unfolding, and taping themselves. Then ideam from random places, fly up into the air, and land in an unfolded box. At first the landing is harsh, but after a minute, or so, the landings are so soft they're unheard.

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