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"Um, I'm... I'm what!?" Hazel asks eyes wide.

"Hey guys!" Jackson says with a huge grin, "We back! What's up?"

"It went well? You all got along?" Emma asks.

"Yeah, but if Max, and I were human we'd be bruised, well, everywhere!" Daemon grins.

So how were Jackson, and Jace?" Emma asks.

"We're fine. We didn't get hit much. Mostly we hit them," Jackson says.

"Yeah," Jace grins, "Turns out we both like shooting paint at vampires. Clary we should have Simon play with us some time. Bet I, I mean he would have a blast."

"Jace, no probably not a good idea," Clary says.

"You're right," Jace admits, "It's a great idea!"

Clary rolls her eyes. "This has been an interesting get together. If you want to do this again some time, just call. And Hazel, be careful. The last thing I'd want happening is you getting hurt. Emotionally especially." Then Clary takes Jace's hand, and they walk out.

"Guess that means they're taking his motorcycle then," Emma smiles.

A girl, about 16, walks over to our table. She's a beautiful girl. Long straight platinum blonde hair, light tan complexion, fiery amber eyes, slim, and curved, and slightly short. She's wearing a strapless, sweetheart, sky blue, knee length dress that's fitted from the waist up, and flowy down to her knees. With a white sash around her waist. Her shoes, white keds with printed flower designs.

"Can I get you guys anything else?" she asks, her voice soft, and beautiful.

"Yeah. Could I please have another coffee, and... and maybe two crepes? Yeah, two crepes," Hazel replies.

"What kind?" she asks, smiling.

"Mmm, which do you recommend?"

"That's a hard one, they're all great... I'd have to say... chocolate and grape, or strawberry jam with powdered sugar. Those two are pretty good."

"Okay then one of each of those, for me. Thank you, uh...?" Hazel says.

"Layla. My name's Layla," she smiles a sweet small smile.

"Well, thank you Layla. I'm Hazel," Hazel smiles back.

Layla nods then asks, "Anything for anyone else?"

"Two vampire coffees please, and thank you," Daemon says, and Max nods.

"A croissant with powdered sugar sprinkled over the top please," Emma smiles. Layla nods.

"And I would like a..." Jackson looks up, and seems taken by Layla's appearance, but only for a second when she wasn't looking, "Uh, I would like two of what she's having." Jackson points to Emma, "And a coffee. Please," Jackson smiles shyly.

"Okay, I'll be back soon," Layla smiles once more, then retreats to the kitchen.

"Well, she's really nice. Which one is she?" Emma asks.

"I think she's the one of the shadowhunter siblings," Hazel replies.

"She's cool," Daemon says.

"Yeah, uhuh," Jackson nods.

"And hot," Max adds looking at Jackson.

"Yeah, uhuh. Wait what!" Jackson looks over to Max completely serious. Max, and Daemon start laughing. Jackson rolls his eyes, and mumbles, "Whatever."

"You all better shut up. She's coming!" Emma says.

"Uh, okay so two crepes, two normal coffees, two vampire coffees, one croissant for you, and two croissants for you..." Layla looks at Jackson, and quickly looks away blushing slightly.

"So, hey. Daemon, and I are going ice skating before we head back any of you wanna come with?" Emma offers.

"Sure, I'd-" Max starts.

Hazel interrupts. "No. I'm gonna take the guys, and we're going to go... bungee jumping! Isn't that right Jackson?"

Jackson looks up at Emma, and Daemon, ".... Yeah! Totally!" Jackson says.

"What?! B-  ahg!" Max says, but is again interrupted when Hazel stamps on his foot.

Hazel smiles at them, innocently, "Oops. Sorry."

Finally Max gets a look of understanding, "Oh yeah! I remember now! You, and I talked about it a little at the party last night! Hey, we should invite Layla." Max says raising his eyebrows.

"Invite me to what?" Layla asks, coming to the table with curiosity.

"Max, Jackson, and I are going bungee jumping, wanna come?" Hazel asks.

"I don't know..." Layla says.

"It'll be fun," Max grins.

"You've done it before?" Layla asks.

"Tons of times," Jackson grins.

"Then why do it again?" Layla asks.

"Because no matter how many times you jump, it's never the same, but it's also never disappointing," Jackson replies.

"Okay if I can get off work early, then sure. I'll come," Layla smiles excitedly. "Aria! Donnie!" Layla calls.

Two teens, both about 18, come out from the kitchen. Twins. Both looks exactly like Layla except with curls, and slight freckles across the bridges of their noses. And both are wearing jeans, and a black t-shirt.

Layla spoke to them in french, "Aria, Donnie, this is Hazel, Emma, Jackson, Daemon, and Max. Hazel, Jackson, and Max want to know if I wanna hang with them today. Can I leave early, please?"

Aria, and Donnie look at each other smile, and nod, "But be back by 10, okay."

"Kay, thanks," Layla smiles, "I'll be right back. I've just gotta change." Layla rush to the back, and comes back five minutes later, "Ready."

Hazel jumps. Wind rushes across her face, making her eyes water, running through her thick dark curls that are driven upwards. Hazel squeezing Jackson's hand, and he squeezes her's back. And just before they hit the ground, they're  both tugged up springing back, and forth, back, and forth until, finally, they come to an almost complete stop.

Jackson was right. No matter how many times she'd done this, is was never the same, but it's always an amazing experience. Never disappointing. Hazel, and Jackson swist to hang rightside up, to watch Layla, and Max jump.

Just before any of them had jumped Hazel had explained to Layla that it was less scary, and more fun to jump with a partner. Max offered to be her partner, because Jackson said nothing, and just looked down off the bridge, and because Max, and her had started to become pretty good friends on the way here. Max seemed genuinely happy, and at ease for the first time since he'd told Hazel about his ex, and Layla seemed to take an instant liking, and understanding to, and of Max, but you could see neither are interested in each other. Their friendship will be a great one. Only ten minutes, and their completely comfortable with each other.

Max, and Layla dive head first towards the little creek below the bridge. At first Layla screams, then she howls, and laughs, and tries to push a few strands of hair away from her face. Once they come to a stop Layla laughs and says, "That was amazing. Thanks for bringing me along!"

"No trouble," Hazel smiles, "It was fun having you come. Shall we go again?"

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