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"We had a wine, tea party?!" Hazel, the first to talk, asks.

"Yeah," Emma replies.

"You're not showing that to my children!" Sebastian says

"Oh, yes I am"

"I can't have kids, so suck it!" Daemin smirks.

"I'd rather not, and I'll just show the video to every single girlfriend you have!" Emma smiles evilly. Daemon stops smirking.

"What if I don't have kids?" Jackson says.

"I'll show it to your whole pack," Emma smirks.

"Evil little demon's child," Jackson mumbles.

"What'd you just-" Emma start, but is interrupted by Hazel.

"Wait, so we were drunk, and delusional?!" Hazel asks still shocked.

"Yes," Emma answers grinning.

"That's what you have to say about this!" Sebastian asks, eyebrows up.

"It's not like we can stop her. She's a witch remember," Hazel says.

"I'll bet I can stop her!" Daemon jumps up and tackles Emma, wrapping his arms around her.

Daemon stands up, holding Emma in the air. A small rain cloud appears above them, pouring down rain, and hale, but not hitting Emma at all. Daemon pulls Emma up like she's an umbrella, but the rain, and hail go around her, and pelt Daemon in the face. He puts her down, and wraps his arms around her again, and the rain comes down normally again.

"Stop, Emma! You're going to flood my living room!" Hazel shouts just outside the clouds radius.

"Fine," she grumbles.

The cloud, and all the water disappears. Except the water soaking Daemon from head, to toe.

"Now you get to hug me," Daemon warns, before he pulls Emma to his chest.

"Ug!" Emma grumble into his shirt.

Daemon lets go, and plops his shirt off, throwing it at Emma, "And the joy of seeing me shirtless... again."

"Dude, put your shirt back on!" Jackson says.

"What. You jealous?" Daemon smirks.

"No! Hazel! Hold my shirt!" Jackson throws his shirt off, and Hazel catches it just before it hits the ground.

Emma smiles at Hazel, "You know it's a bad thing when the guys challenge each other! Leave, or see what happens?"

"Mm, see what happens," Hazel grins, "I mean the guys are shirtless... most are."

"Yeah. Great decision, Haze" Emma grins.

"Come on Sebastian. You know you wanna," Daemon flexes his muscles.

"You don't want me to. Trust me I'm doing you a favor," Sebastian smirks.

"Are you afraid of letting the girls down? Poor thing. I promise the girls won't hide behind us," Daemon smirks.

"Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you," Sebastian grumbles.

Sebastian thrusts his shirt off, throwing it over his shoulders. The second Hazel, and Emma's eyes find his chest their mouths fall open. Sebastian was like Captain America... but better.

"Both you just got beat," Hazel gases at Sebastian.

"Uh hu," Emma mumbles.

Sebastian grins, "Would you like to feel my muscles, lady?"

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