why can't i play with them, mummy?
why are they looking at me funny?
why won't they share their toys with me?
why won't they let me play with them?why can't i go out?
why are they hurting us?
what did we do?_________________________
okay, here we go: another long-ish talk. get comfortable.
i'm twelve* and to be honest, i don't care what colour my friends are. at my age, we don't.
so i don't get why adults, who have more "experiences" more than us, believe "white people" are the superior race.
no. uh uh.
here's what you think; easy for her to say, she hasn't experienced the stigma against POC. she thinks she knows everything about everything.
point is, i hear people in my CLASS make racist comments.
a guy once said "oh, the white girls are b••••es and the black girls are p•••ks."
why? what is the big deal about a persons colour?
if i don't like spicy foods, does that make me a "white girl"?
does talking a certain way make someone a "black girl"?
people say stuff like that as if it's an insult. we CANNOT help our heritage or our ethnicity.
that doesn't give anyone a right to racism.
nothing does.
if you want to talk, i'm always ready to listen.
* thirteen as of 20.10.2017
Poetryi feel like people are leaving me and i don't know why. → hr : 2PO © 2017 freyyyaa NOTE_2020: previously had an "alllivesmatter" tag on this book. it was added when this story was first started in 2017 to share my belief that all lives matter, re...