⭐Serena plans a vacation

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Serena sat in her bed after the grand festival. She won for the fourth time in a row. Sylveon hopped onto her bed and curled up next to her. Serena smiled at her pokemon. She looked around at her pokemon.

There was Sylveon, Delphox, Pancham from her original team. Her new pokemon, Altaria, Gardevior and Froslass got along well with her original pokemon. There was also an Umbreon with her since she saved him when she saw the Umbreon in some Team Rocket trouble. Umbreon and Sylveon grew close and Serena now has an Eevee egg.

"Hey guys?" Serena said to her pokemon. Her team turned to face Serena. "How does a Vacation sound? You've all helped me so much so why not take a small trip, you know?"

Her pokemon nodded in delight. Gardevior looked at Serena, using telepathy. "Where should we go then?"
Serena paused for a bit.

"How about the Alola region? It's a nice place, new pokemon and even a school where pokemon are allowed to roam free during class. My mom's friend lives there, he's really cool." Serena explained. Gardevior nodded.

"Alright, the Alola region it is. I'll call Palermo and schedule our Vacation." Serena announced.

Her pokemon gave a small celebration noise as Serena grabbed her bag. "You guys wanna come with?"  Her pokemon nodded before Serena recalled them into their pokeballs. She walked over to the phone (the one with the screen Ash calls Oak on) and dialed Palermo.

"Serena, hello! I just saw your grand festival, Congratulations on winning." Palermo started as Serena smiled. "Thanks Palermo. I was thinking about taking a vacation to Alola. The next grand festival isn't for quite a while, and I hear the Alola region is bringing the pokemon league and contests quite quickly." Serena explained.

"Serena, that sounds lovely. Go ahead. But maybe bring May and Drew with you?"
"I will. Thank you!" Serena smiled. Palermo gave a wave before the call ended. Serena quickly dialed May's number.

Serena had met May when she just started contests. May was impressed by her skill for it being her first contest but May still won. She traveled with May who introduced her to her boyfriend Drew. Serena won a few ribbons before she and May faced off again, this time she won. Serena introduced May and Drew to Palermo. The three became close friends.

"Hey girl!"
"Hey May! Wanna go on a vacation to the Alola region? You, Drew and I?"
"Of course! I'm busy until Wednesday though."
"We can leave Wednsday then! They even have contests there!" Serena said excitedly. "Alrighty Serena. I'll tell Drew!"
"See you Wednesday!"

The call ended as Serena left to pack.

"Look out Alola!" Serena thought to herself. "Here comes Serena Yvonne!"

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